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România - II.4 > sezon 21 - Diverse ETC ETC

sezon 21 - Diverse ETC ETC (thread closed)

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From: MCMXC a.D.

To: buia
This Post:
224606.127 in reply to 224606.123
Date: 9/19/2012 11:08:56 AM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
Overall Posts Rated:
Tocmai. Vazusem schema pe care o faci cu interiorul si de-aia am vrut sa te lovesc exact acolo. Pb e ca am alergat dupa 2 iepuri, l-am bagat pe Moharrami sa joace 48 min EX pt antrenament si am crezut ca te pot bate asa, desi stiam ca Xingsong al tau va avea unda verde cu el astfel. Mai mult, ai mei au ratat in prostie la libere, in conditiile in care nu stau rau deloc la capitolul ala, alta chestie ciudata... Mizasem si pe faptul ca s-ar putea sa joci lejer, insa mi-ai facut o surpriza si aici. oricum...inca o data: meci frumos.

From: buia

This Post:
224606.128 in reply to 224606.127
Date: 9/19/2012 1:11:18 PM
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referitor la lejer, asa am avut de gand sa joc, dar cu o ora inainte de meci am hotarat sa joc normal pt fani, ca nu pot umple arena mai mult de jumate, si inca un meci pierdut m-ar fi adus si mai aproape de arena goala etapa viitoare cand mai am si televizat...deci sper ca etapa viitoare macar 75% sa umplu arena.

From: MCMXC a.D.

To: buia
This Post:
224606.129 in reply to 224606.128
Date: 9/19/2012 1:54:10 PM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
Overall Posts Rated:
nasoala chestia asta cu arena... in III ma fost nevoit sa-mi vand 2 titulari ca sa fac fata, mi-a fost teama ca n-am sa pot reveni inapoi in II... una din cele mai mari greseli facute...acum mi-am revenit cu fanii datorita inceputului bun

This Post:
224606.130 in reply to 224606.129
Date: 9/20/2012 9:49:50 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
The Black Bears - UM Timişoara --2
Carbó VB Ploiesti - Boston "The Greats" Celtis --1
Nankatsu team - BC IONY PITESTI --??
BCM ELBA Timişoara - LA Sibiu --2
Ozana Stars - lps chimie --1
bDanvs Cheetahs - Rockpit --1
U Mobitelco - zulus --2
LOL team - u.craiova --2

This Post:
224606.131 in reply to 224606.120
Date: 9/21/2012 9:24:33 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
The Black Bears - UM Timişoara 2
Carbó VB Ploiesti - Boston "The Greats" Celtis 1
Nankatsu team - BC IONY PITESTI 1
BCM ELBA Timişoara - LA Sibiu 1
Ozana Stars - lps chimie 1
bDanvs Cheetahs - Rockpit xxx
U Mobitelco - zulus 2
LOL team - u.craiova 2

This Post:
224606.132 in reply to 224606.131
Date: 9/21/2012 11:05:24 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
The Black Bears - UM Timişoara 2
Carbó VB Ploiesti - Boston "The Greats" Celtis 3
Nankatsu team - BC IONY PITESTI 2
BCM ELBA Timişoara - LA Sibiu 2
Ozana Stars - lps chimie 2
bDanvs Cheetahs - Rockpit 2
U Mobitelco - zulus 2
LOL team - u.craiova 2

From: buia
This Post:
224606.133 in reply to 224606.132
Date: 9/21/2012 12:26:54 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
The Black Bears - UM Timişoara 2
Carbó VB Ploiesti - Boston "The Greats" Celtis 1
Nankatsu team - BC IONY PITESTI 2
BCM ELBA Timişoara - LA Sibiu 2
Ozana Stars - lps chimie 1
bDanvs Cheetahs - Rockpit 2
U Mobitelco - zulus 2
LOL team - u.craiova ----

From: MCMXC a.D.

To: buia
This Post:
224606.134 in reply to 224606.133
Date: 9/21/2012 2:41:18 PM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
Overall Posts Rated:
The Black Bears - UM Timişoara 2
Carbó VB Ploiesti - Boston "The Greats" Celtis -XXX-
Nankatsu team - BC IONY PITESTI 2
BCM ELBA Timişoara - LA Sibiu 1
Ozana Stars - lps chimie 1
bDanvs Cheetahs - Rockpit 2
U Mobitelco - zulus 2
LOL team - u.craiova 2

This Post:
224606.136 in reply to 224606.1
Date: 9/22/2012 4:13:54 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
salut intaia divizie de "vorbareti"a tarii! pt cine isi mai aduce aminte am trecut si eu pe aici, in poate cel mai palpitant si mai frumos sezon din BB,de pana acum, pe care l am sfarsitul acestui sezon mi ar placea sa revin printre urez succes! si nu uiitati can be only one!

This Post:
224606.137 in reply to 224606.120
Date: 9/23/2012 9:07:11 AM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
Overall Posts Rated:
Salut, Alec! te asteptam sa revii in aceeasi liga

The Black Bears 84 - 97 UM Timişoara
Carbó VB Ploiesti 87 - 104 Boston "The Greats" Celtis
Nankatsu team 94 - 97 BC IONY PITESTI
BCM ELBA Timişoara 84 - 86 LA Sibiu
Ozana Stars 98 - 73 lps chimie
bDanvs Cheetahs 87 - 106 Rockpit
U Mobitelco 94 - 104 zulus
LOL team 37 - 132 u.craiova

Clasamentul pronosticurilor:
1. buia - 45p (6p acumulate etapa trecuta)
.. MCMXC a.D. - 45p (6p acumulate etapa trecuta)
3. brebu - 41p (4p acumulate etapa trecuta)
.. Captain Tsubasa - 41p (5p acumulate etapa trecuta)
5. Boston Celts - 33p (6p acumulate etapa trecuta)
6. Soimul - 31p (nu a dat pronosticuri etapa trecuta)
.. jokeru - 31p (5p acumulate etapa trecuta)
8. U-God - 15p (nu a dat pronosticuri etapa trecuta)

va astept cu pronosticurile pentru urmatoarea etapa din 25.09

UM Timişoara - Carbó VB Ploiesti
Boston "The Greats" Celtis - LOL team
u.craiova - Nankatsu team
LA Sibiu - Ozana Stars
lps chimie - bDanvs Cheetahs
Rockpit - U Mobitelco
zulus - The Black Bears

Last edited by MCMXC a.D. at 9/23/2012 9:07:35 AM
