The speeds you calculated are just the ratio of pops among all observations for this training type (and restrictions for age and height), right?
Yes. I've looked at the data a few other ways as well:
- the "get multi-pop data" place holder will be to display all training entries where we know the exact training history between consecutive--or several--pops in a given skill. i've tried using this to estimate how much each of those trainings contributed to the pop, but it was producing some funky data last time i looked. we have a lot more data now, so i should try this again.
- ultimately the best approach, i think, will be to assume a model and then fit all the single pop data to it. but, need to have a good sense of what the model should look like first.
unfortunately, both of these involve curve fitting, and not even necessarily linear curve fits. i really want to have this site as an ongoing resource, where the data just gets better and better over time, but that means being able to do the analyses on the fly. so if anyone has done any least squares fitting in php, i'd love to hear from you
Hm, I have a feeling it might pay off to look at this with fresh data. There may have been some small mistakes in the skill coefficients all along, for example highly skilled guards seem to be off their salary prediction a bit too often for my taste.
sounds good, i'll check after the update.