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Potential Salary Limits

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103623.13 in reply to 103623.12
Date: 8/2/2009 11:38:42 AM
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I understand. Losing an argument on the internet is a matter of life and death. Particularly when it involves an online basketball simulator.

This Post:
103623.14 in reply to 103623.13
Date: 8/2/2009 12:58:57 PM
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This is why I wanted to do a purely statistical analysis; to deviate from speculation. Not to say that someone hasn't already done this, but I wanted to do it for myself to know that it was done properly. [i.e. I can't tell the difference between a chart that someone painstakingly assembled and one that someone inserted numbers as he felt sufficient]

I see that I received 12 replies, but none of them containing data. Honestly, that is what I expected. I had a few chaps who privately messaged me with rough guidelines and I applaud them for reading my post and playing by the rules.

I guess, due to their nature, the forums are not the best place for statistical analysis of the game.

This Post:
103623.15 in reply to 103623.14
Date: 8/2/2009 2:05:09 PM
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i have learned exactly the same... it is sad to say, but these forums are a real joke.

however, it shows that there is no real purpose for these forums when people contact you in a private message. that way you cant really compare large amounts off data and although they are trying to be helpfull, there is still alot off data missing to give you even a slight idea as to what the best pottential is.

not trying to be funny, but the forums should be the exact place to find this kind off information, i have played many simulation games and have used these forums and many other kind off forums and never have run into so many obnoxious and argumentive people as here...(i know i will get several replies to this message now, from people thinking I am being personal or they will bring up the 1 or 2 grown up discussions that have been posted on here over the years)...

For this reason I have stopped a long time ago to seriously participate in these forums.

if you ever have any questions, pop me a private message and i will try and help. that way we cut out all the people that are only seeking to start an argument by mentioning the only possible exception with a 0.000000000001% chance off happening...

From: SammyD

This Post:
103623.17 in reply to 103623.2
Date: 8/2/2009 8:54:14 PM
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2:10k with no problems

3:13k - 14k

4:24-26k ¿? no data avaliable

6:30-35k ¿? no data avaliable


8:55-65k (review needed)

9:75-85k (review needed)

10: to 150k without troubles,there are some with 190k but don't know if overtrained

11:Uknown, any value is merely an Speculation

12: Only BB-Gods Know

For a starter I don't trust this list because it misses the number 5. So the person who you copied this off can't be right :P

This Post:
103623.18 in reply to 103623.17
Date: 8/2/2009 10:25:08 PM
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When a guide is going from 75-85K to 150-190K, you know something's not right.

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103623.19 in reply to 103623.11
Date: 8/2/2009 11:55:09 PM
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I'm sorry I offended you; it wasn't my intention.

bcz I know 'another thread' that u mentioned, if u read all the reply in that thread, u ll know the something re-posted by u is not quite accurate.:P

This Post:
103623.20 in reply to 103623.16
Date: 8/3/2009 12:07:51 AM
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yes, i know this point. but u know the high potential player is all young.

maybe i should say the high potential's saraly gap is very indistinct.

do u notice a player on the market with 220k's salary , IS 17 ID18 R17.

using the salary calculator,i know his real salary is about 380k.his potencial is hof,

so i think maybe the real potencial gap or salary gap of high potencial need bo be tested further more in next seasons

Last edited by FM_Machine at 8/3/2009 12:10:51 AM

This Post:
103623.22 in reply to 103623.21
Date: 8/3/2009 4:18:55 AM
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yeah, but his salary in next season obviously will outstrip 300k.

and my example just made for prove the high potencial player's salary gap is vague. of course,i agree what u said on salary increasing rapidly when one of high skill pops.