your brain works in odd ways... ;)
why is this odd?
refer to the ;) at the end of the line, is was ment as a poking joke.
you also talk about keeping a player for 3.5 seasons. I doubt that I ever will have many that stay in my team for that long. If you want to keep improving, you will need to replace many players quite frequently and train the others in order to improve them all the time. So most of the ones that will be bought will not make 2 seasons... At least that's my strategy...
If people ask for 1M on the TL thats good. Nobody is forced to buy. It also could mean that they are not willing to let go of him unless someone wants to pay a high price. If they realy don't need him anymore there is no point in asking too much since they will have to keep paying slary as long as he doesn't sell...
If the player sells that means it was not too much was it?
A player is worth what others want to pay for it...
They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.