The best solution for this problem is to remove the rankings on the schedule page. There are other options as a said before, but I can´t see the interest of having rankings on the schedule page when we can easily access them through the standings page. This feature is something that has been added with the new site, and it is cancelling the effect of a Supporter feature:
No Match Spoilers
Have you ever missed watching a game live, only to have the results spoiled by having the outcome displayed on the schedule page? As a Supporter, when you view your schedule, the results of games will be hidden. When you click on a boxscore, then all games up to and including the one you are looking at will now be visible on your schedule page. This way, if you can't watch your game live, you can still click on the replay without knowing the final score. Or, if you do just want the score, go directly to the boxscore and everything will be visible.
Of course, I would have preferred my original post at the General Forum where I posted it for open discussion. I could also have opened an Admin Ticket or a post at the bug forum (as this is probably a non intentional side-effect), but I preferred to let more people support my complaint.
The forum was not crowded, so I don´t understand the urgency to close a post that is not against forum rules. Sometimes we may need some organization in the forums, but sometimes it looks like there is a competition to see who has the fastest finger for pressing the "close thread" button.
And so we are now at the suggestion forum, I would suggest to open a "Global Forum for Irrelevant Posts" (such as oldest player, ugliest player...), so we can have a nicer Global Forum to discuss and debate things that are worth for the whole BB community, instead of these funny but irrelevant threads that currently monopolize the Global Forum.
¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)