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Transfer market

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132079.13 in reply to 132079.12
Date: 2/20/2010 9:54:34 AM
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Would that be a problem ?
Up until now, the problem still has been that players got paid too much, not the contrary

The perimeter of this tax is the most interesting part of it, for me ! :
It only concerns players with a 1rst bid too important and without outbid.

Problem 1 :
With thix tax, you'll have much often more than 1 player ready to pay the right price.
How about so much managers that juste can't afford to pay for a new good player because prices are much too important ?
How about managers that pay too much for average players ?

This is almost the definition of a period of crisis with a black market .

Problem 2 :
I don't get the point; if more players can be bought, there'll be less managers concentrating on those that have fair prices.
Therefore, servers would be more stable

problem 3 :
That' already the case. how would this tax change something in it ?

Anyway, I prefer prices that are a bit lower for those with a bid too important from the beginning, than a market that is too riskee in cost for so much managers, whether it be because of good players too expensive generally or with bad players with a 1rst bid that is just a trap.

Thx for the discussion

Last edited by Dunker Joe at 2/20/2010 9:57:18 AM

BBF, le forum francophone : = (http://buzzerbeaterfrance.forumpro.fr/)
From: akage14
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132079.14 in reply to 132079.13
Date: 2/20/2010 10:01:25 AM
Kentauroi Cholargou
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Dear all,
i left a suggestion on a new transfer scheme i thought of in the Suggestion Forum under the thread: New Transfer system.

I would value any constructive feedback on how we can improve the transfer system and whether my suggestion could be feasible.

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132079.15 in reply to 132079.13
Date: 2/20/2010 10:04:33 AM
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Problem 1 :
With thix tax, you'll have much often more than 1 player ready to pay the right price.
How about so much managers that juste can't afford to pay for a new good player because prices are much too important ?
How about managers that pay too much for average players ?

Fine lets rip the players in asia, who act on a smaller market ;) Sounds fair.

And if managers get to much, report them. Else concentrate on the player, who are in a price area you liek to buy.

Problem 2 :
I don't get the point; if more players can be bought, there'll be less managers concentrating on those that have fair prices.
Therefore, servers would be more stable

server problem aren't caused everytime through the transferlist. But if every player have long bidding wars, the trafic will raise not sink ;) The transfer search who get maybe a bit smaller(through fewer listed players), isn't that big if it programmed good.

And if you are victim of the server down, and you miss 1-2 Mio. i bet you are angry about the BB.

That' already the case. how would this tax change something in it ?

Actually you jsut profitate, that money is a bit earlier avaible the price for it is oftena smaller selling price(or at least the risk for it). With this system, you will get more money with a smaller risk, and the money is also avaible earlier for you - so it become real unfair and i don't now how you could make anything against it.

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132079.17 in reply to 132079.2
Date: 2/20/2010 1:16:05 PM
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I think it is a great idea to tax players that aren't sold. the amount of tax should be a percentage of the starting price. That will completely discourage people that are bored so they just decide to transfer list one of their players at immense prices.

As the tool for knowing the price of market of your players doesn't work well,put on the market a your player with a crazy price,is a way as another to show it,and to understand what it could be his value on the market,for the proposal that other managers can make you through BB-mails
If there's something strange auction,yet there's a good(not perfect,for sure,but is quite good) system.It's called TPA

This idea for me doesn't have any sense

Last edited by Steve Karenn at 2/20/2010 1:16:20 PM

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132079.19 in reply to 132079.18
Date: 2/21/2010 9:22:42 AM
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It seems that the price which is setted by managers influences the current price of players somehow. Would not be clever to give there player for 0, because you can be sure that he will be sold somehow under "regular" price, but imagine what would happend if there would not be any option to set player value...

If everyone could put on TL player only for 0, player would leave the club always for his actually real value.

And if is player sold, manager would have 24 hours to cancel that transfer. So will not happen that player is sold really cheaply by server lag or whatever. So if you cancel that transfer, players GS would fall down to the bottom or something.

Last edited by aigidios at 2/21/2010 9:23:38 AM

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132079.20 in reply to 132079.19
Date: 2/21/2010 9:33:07 AM
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This is a world between putting to 0$ and putting to the max of an estim or more from the beginning.

BBF, le forum francophone : = (http://buzzerbeaterfrance.forumpro.fr/)
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132079.21 in reply to 132079.19
Date: 2/21/2010 9:39:28 AM
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And if is player sold, manager would have 24 hours to cancel that transfer. So will not happen that player is sold really cheaply by server lag or whatever. So if you cancel that transfer, players GS would fall down to the bottom or something.

This is doens't right,if a manager think that his player is undervalue,he can offer on him and rebuy him in the auction.It would not be fair for who buy that player
It's a strategy to put your player at 0 on the market.You can be lucky,because the pubblicity can give more interest on him and in the auction he can go over his value(if his price goes too high,there's however the possibility that a Gm gives you a TPA).But you can also be unlucky,and your player could go under his market value

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132079.22 in reply to 132079.21
Date: 2/22/2010 6:11:49 AM
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perhaps there should be a small risk of a gameshapedrop for the listed player because he doesnt want to leave and has to look for a new house and school for his children... and/or a small risk of enthusiasmdrop for the team cause they fear that the starplayers are sold for making money or they dont want to be the next ;-)

on the other hand, if the team thinks that u have purchased a real impactplayer there could be a small raise in enthusiasm

From: kaprons
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132079.23 in reply to 132079.22
Date: 2/22/2010 7:51:46 AM
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i am for non-sold player to be like just bought player, that if you try to sell him soon again - you will get just 80, maybe 90% from transfer money, or really good retuned player comparing system would be good.
because "multiskilled player" sells for example 5mil, "oneskilled" player gets on market for starting price of 5mil, because thats what shows under transfer info. and then next multiskilled player gets starting price 5.5-6mil (and gets bought for example 6mil), because owner wont sell multiskilled player for oneskilled player price. and then starts cycle again - now oneskilled player estimated value is 5-6mil, and of course many managers wont set starting price just 5mil, now it will be at last 5.5mil for oneskilled player. and prices go up.
there is no need to set starting price 0 and worry for millions of loss, just set it a bit under value.
