I think it's fair to blame us on our mistakes, non-manager decision related mistakes. Unfortunately the start of the season hasn't been how we hoped it would have, and that's a huge understatemt. Part of the low revenues of your last game are caused by our failure, the season ticket holders bug. However, we finally think we found the problem so we hope to correct it shortly by adjusting the season ticket holders.
Currently we are still discussing what is the best way to handle the too many problems that arose during the first week of this season, we hope to find a good solution soon, since yeah, you guys certainly deserve better.
That having said, I don't think it's fair to blame us on mistakes that are related to bad manager choices. Reading your story, I also think that's a considerable part of your problems as well. You can't blame us for having 130k staff salaries, neither for making huge losses at auctions, neither for bad offseason planning. Maybe it's better to train your draftee up to a 2,5M player in 3 seasons, instead of selling it off for 300k now, who knows?
We will do anything to fix mistakes on our side, but one of the most exciting parts of this game is that you can actually be a better manager than your friend or rival. That you can outmanage him and going from a worse team to a better one. This is exactly the reason why we will try to keep our influence in manager decisions as low as possible. People should be able to make bad choices, just as they should be able to take their team from the bottom to the top.
Last edited by BB-Patrick at 1/19/2011 5:53:54 PM