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From: Flamen

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183204.13 in reply to 183204.12
Date: 4/28/2011 12:11:39 PM
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I think that if your bigs are outmached they take tough inside shots, fadeaways, contested jumpers and miss them.

If your ball movement is bad and the oposing team has very good outside defence, you take contested 3s.

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183204.14 in reply to 183204.11
Date: 4/28/2011 7:05:55 PM
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ok i see its just coz i've been using motion since i joined and my guards dont match up very well with teams that are these good so im trying different tactics since not all my guards have good range

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183204.15 in reply to 183204.14
Date: 4/28/2011 7:13:12 PM
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try balanced tactics if your guys have good jump shot but not so good range. Might be the best choice for you, particularly if your bigs aren't that strong.

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183204.16 in reply to 183204.11
Date: 4/28/2011 8:02:32 PM
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So which do you think would be better? Base offense, patient, or push the ball?

My PGs and back-up SG have good JS but not so good JR. My starting SG and SFs have good JS and strong-prominent JR. And I dont really consider my C and PF a huge threat down low but they have alright inside shot and my PFs have good JS.

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183204.17 in reply to 183204.16
Date: 4/28/2011 8:14:47 PM
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really depends. If you have good ball movement, go with Patient. If you have good drivers but otherwise rather bad ball movement, take Push the Ball. If you have a dominant big man, play inside iso (but I suppose you don't have them, so better play something else). If you have a dominant wing, play outside iso. (yes, the iso tactics are balanced, too). If you really can't ecide, go with base offense.

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183204.18 in reply to 183204.17
Date: 4/30/2011 9:56:56 AM
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oh so the iso tactics are also balanced? didnt know that. but how about if most of my perimeter players have proficient-sensational JS but thier range is inept-average and i only have 3 players with strong range or more is that pretty good for outside iso or do i really need more range? and my PF have good JS and inside skill and my C is a great rebounder with good inside scoring. I really cant decide on what tactic to use -_-