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Season 16

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183214.13 in reply to 183214.12
Date: 5/16/2011 12:18:06 AM
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Well we are in a very strange league, as i've said countless times. We are unfortunately very stacked on one side and the other is allowed to take it easy and prepare for the playoffs to the best of their abilities. This leaves teams in our conference in a tough situation as only one team can make it to the finals and even then has to fight a rested team from the other conference to promote. Many of the teams in our league fight for that privilege which is why it is so competitive. But at some point we need to realize that if things stay the way they are now, season after season the best player from the other conference will beat out whichever of us makes it to the finals. So we are stuck in a never-ending loop of destruction, tearing each other apart and letting the other team's best to reap the rewards. So right now I'm at that point, I've decided that I need to do sacrifice success now, to maximize my potential for future success. I'm also pretty sure that the eagles have also come to this revelation. This way we can allow our conference to benefit and hopefully benefit us in the future. Not saying I want to be relegated, more than anything I want to promote by beating the best. So now it's just a waiting game. Only time will tell...

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183214.14 in reply to 183214.13
Date: 6/9/2011 8:02:51 PM
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hey guys - after 13 games - we are now in the stretch run part of the schedule - I'd like to know your thoughts about this past season. Personally, I am surprised that the Allstars and the Eagles are tanking it, I thought they would grind it out more, like they did in season 15, they are better than their record. Westsiders are undefeated, and apparently, it seems, would like to be promoted in a desperate way, it's almost like he doesn't like us here in Div 111. personally I am almost offended. I'll see what I can do to keep him here - if we meet in the playoffs.

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183214.15 in reply to 183214.14
Date: 6/9/2011 11:30:00 PM
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Such a shame we lost the all-star game, seemed like our side has more going for it but it happens. Westsiders have a strong team and were demoted from league 2 last season so it makes sense that they have a strong chance to make it back up there. I say strong chance because either you or hurricane's have that same chance this season. I get what eagles has been doing, make sense to me, I'm doing something similar, won't really start until the beginning of next season but I don't get why liberia allstars has been doing so bad, has kept most of the roster the same, should have a much better record. Can't really say this has been a great season, up till now, because it is a transition one for me, I'm just counting the days till the draft so I can put this plan into motion.

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183214.16 in reply to 183214.15
Date: 6/12/2011 11:48:54 PM
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Ah yes the draft - I seem to be disappointed with draft results no matter what I do - I am about ready to throw in the towel of ever getting anybody decent in that process. Tell me what tactics seem to work for you or perhaps not to let your secret out of the bag - what tactics have you heard that actually work for other people out there? Or do you think it's all one big crap shoot??

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183214.17 in reply to 183214.16
Date: 6/13/2011 12:36:37 AM
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well to some extent it is a crapshoot, now less than before the changes. But the main tactic in getting a good pick is getting one of the first selections lol. So for you I would just advise saving your points, do a little basic scouting so you don't get 1 ball 19 year olds, but don't waste all your efforts, save em for when you do have a higher selection.

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183214.18 in reply to 183214.17
Date: 6/14/2011 3:09:50 PM
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Thanks for the advice - I have to agree with you - chances are that the draft picks I want will be gone by the time my turn comes around and I will end up with whatever is given me, who I end up releasing anyway. Mind you the three bot teams might make things interesting for whoever picks right after them, but in the long run, I will just have to say thanks but no thanks. Good luck the rest of the way

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183214.19 in reply to 183214.17
Date: 6/19/2011 3:18:06 PM
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Hey, man - you mean business - you just sold some dude for a cool million and I believe you have another one out there available for the same price - you are in 5th place right now. Between that cool stash of cash you'll have and the draft picks you will pick up that next season (at the latest), if not this season you will be doing some major ass-kicking. All I know is that I better win this thing this season cause it's not gonna get any easier, my window might be closing even faster than I thought. You will have one scary team, I might even consider doing what the Eagles did this year just to get away from this Div III.11 - this is quickly becoming a twilight zone where good team go to die. If I ever make it out of here Div II will seem like a vacation. I wonder what the Hurricane's is up to - he's been very quite lately - not a good sign for the rest of us.

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183214.20 in reply to 183214.19
Date: 6/19/2011 6:09:15 PM
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Heh I'm glad I can still intimidate other teams when my roster is depleted big time =P. Anyhow, I see your point about the good teams crashing and burning in this league, I kinda think your right. But I don't want to give up, instead I want to get stronger by getting weaker first and then do what I've been trying to do for the last 3 seasons, win this league. I too wonder what hurricane's is up to, could make for a dynamic end of season for the 2 of u. One final note, Nice pickup with the new center, I hope he helps you out.

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183214.21 in reply to 183214.20
Date: 6/19/2011 11:05:18 PM
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Thanks for the encouragement - that new guy should spruce up things a little - yes, the Hurricanes - still waters run deep - I wonder what surprise he'll pull - if he is reading this let us in on your secret!!!!!! Now our problem Hurricane, mine and yours (depending what your up to) is to get by the Westsiders I guess Westsiders doesn't read this forum - would like to hear his contribution to my take

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183214.22 in reply to 183214.21
Date: 7/9/2011 11:34:30 PM
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Well the playoffs are here!! I wish all who made it luck (but, let's face it - not too much). I also like to wish the Eagles the best wherever he ends up - and also to the Raptors with his plan, I hope it works out.

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183214.23 in reply to 183214.22
Date: 7/24/2011 11:36:43 PM
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Well another season another heart breaker loss in the finals - bridesmaid again - 2nd year in a row. Can't complain had a great time. Congrats to the West Siders, he deserved the win. Guess the bad news is - no promotion for me - I'll be back in Div III.11 - After a loss like that in Game 3 of the finals, there is not much I can say, except good luck to all in Season 17 :)