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Suggestions > Auto-Bid


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198973.13 in reply to 198973.9
Date: 10/20/2011 9:44:43 AM
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First I need to correct you and give the honor to the one who brang this suggestion - Ralph54.

1) There are not much players that each user may want to buy.
When you are not offering the ability to set an auto-bid you give the one who can wake at awkward time (or from different time zone) a levarage.
It is not due to a better knowledge or due to better BB managing.

2) As I wrote to "rwystyrc" in the solution suggested for the case he had raised, an online player will still have the advantage as the first to bid, but it will NOT eliminate those who just can wake at that time.
I guess that it makes a lot of users frustrated not being able to buy a player due to reasons that are just not related of BB managing.

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198973.14 in reply to 198973.12
Date: 10/20/2011 10:16:02 AM
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First let me say that I agree that all aspects needs to be discussed here, but first there is need to be a discussion regarding the original suggestion.
I had an impression that you are attacking the suggestion and finding it bad and not realy discussing what should be handled in order of making this good suggestion.
I guess I had a wrong impression.

I think automatic bids should be executed without any delays. If actual is price for example $ 2M and there are 2 automatic bids about $ 4M, has losing time in bidwar of other users any sense?

You are "half-right" :).
I didn't define it thoroughly.

The automatic bids are needed to be executed first (here is were you are definately right), but up until the highest auto-bid of each user.
Then the online users will have the first one and an half minutes to put new bids (and a small advantage for being online), and in case there was none the next auto-bid will take place.

Again, the order of the aut-bids will be upon setting time of the auto-bid.
Meaning that in case there are only two auto-bids with the same value, each will raise it by the minimum value in the following order - first, second, first, second, first and so on.
Of course this is only to make the auto-bid more "fair" but there is no need to waste time on this auto-bids and they will be executed immediately one after the other (you can say that they are kind-of executed "offline").

Last, I totaly can relate to the last paragraphs, although I am still not that deep in the game, as I've only started playing about two seasons ago and need to bulid my team from scratch...

Last edited by Pini פיני at 10/20/2011 10:18:28 AM

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198973.15 in reply to 198973.14
Date: 10/20/2011 10:25:55 AM
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Then the online users will have the first one and an half minutes to put new bids (and a small advantage for being online), and in case there was none the next auto-bid will take place.

I think this is almost impossible to implement if we consider which way works on BB features based on particular time. I think only feasible way is execute auto-bids after each bid.

I can imagine another restriction of setting auto-bid. Once you set auto-bid on player, you can't neither rise auto-bid nor place user bid even if the price goes over your initial auto-bid. This way managers have to really thing of amount of auto-bid or prefer being online on usual bidwar.

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198973.16 in reply to 198973.15
Date: 10/20/2011 10:35:14 AM
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Dont forget that the full amount of any auto-bid has to be charged on the bidders account instantly, to avoid him going broke by spending money he doesnt have.

Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, die Dummheit und das All...
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198973.17 in reply to 198973.16
Date: 10/20/2011 10:44:50 AM
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Yes you are right.
This is one of the things he will need to consider at the automatic biddings, but it is not a blocker for the feature.

You can also maybe want to add a feature that will allow him to bid several players and automaticly cancel a bid whenever another bid is being executed.
Meaning that in case a player want to buy one of two players, but only one of them, and he suceeded wining one of them, then the other auto-bid he sets is deleted.
This also raises questions (what to do if the other had already been bidded, for example), but it doesn't mean that it cannot be added as well.

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198973.18 in reply to 198973.17
Date: 10/20/2011 10:48:22 AM
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No, youi cannot cancel any bids in the bb economy without leading for the system to collapse.

Actually, even with auto-bidding, there cannot be more than one auto-bid on any player if you think it through, because one of the auto-bids will automatically run onto his threshold once another auto-bid is in play. In the end, auto-bidding might not change anything at all in your favour ... still the one beeing up late might make the last move.

It´s just an attempt to lowball instead of bidding your real bet upfront in my view.

Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, die Dummheit und das All...
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198973.19 in reply to 198973.15
Date: 10/20/2011 10:50:02 AM
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I'm not sure I understood what you wrote, but here is my opinion.

1) I don't agree regarding that it cannot be executed on BB engine.
It is very easy to implement and due to the fact that it is executed "behind the scene" it is even easier to implement it.

2) You can edit your auto-bid and of course you can put an online bid, even if you used the auto-bid system.
I don't understand the restriction / limitation you are speaking about.

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198973.20 in reply to 198973.19
Date: 10/20/2011 10:57:59 AM
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On any player, there might not be more than one auto bid because ...

... once another auto-bid comes in, the two will cancel each other out till only one (the higher) reamains active.

-> So with the deadline approaching, there will be a bid-war between 2 or 3 online users and the once active autobid. Either the real users get tired soon, or they reach the threshhold of the autobid rather quick, in which case the auto bid drops out and is of no help to the user.

You shouldn´t be able to lower your auto bid to anything lower than the current bid, because every buck placed on a player can be spent by the seller at the very moment it´s placed.

So if you have multiple auto-bids out there, because of the first point in this thread all of them need to be valid "current" bids, so you cannot void them once any other get´s through.

Last edited by LA-seelenjaeger at 10/20/2011 10:58:29 AM

Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, die Dummheit und das All...
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198973.21 in reply to 198973.18
Date: 10/20/2011 11:04:20 AM
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1) Again, as I wrote, this is an additional feature to the one disscused in this thread, and it's needed to be discussed appropriately, and possibly in a different thread.
As such, I didn't realy worked all the details for it.


What I've wrote to this side feature was:
2) That an auto-bid can be deleted.
I didn't said that a bid (auto-bid or a regular one) that as been "bidded" could be canceled.
I even pointed out that this may be a case that is needed to be handled.

3) A solution to that may be to allow setting a single bid [not to be mistaken by the option to define multiple auto-bids].
Meaning that in case that a user defines two auto-bids, and one of his auto-bids had been raised/set, the others will not be set until his beed will be over-bid by a different user.
This will not cancel his bid, but will just not use it.

Example - two auto-bids up to 300K were set by user-A.
User-A gets the automatioc opportunity to set a bid (for player-a) of 30K (current bid) + 2% (or what the limit is).
He (automatically sets it).

Now player-b is also in a bid and its user-A turn to set a bid.
We will not get the opportunity to bid as he already has a "live" bid "under his name".

Now player-a had got bid from someone else.
User-A, when its "auto-turn" will come could now raise is new bid.

It´s just an attempt to lowball instead of bidding your real bet upfront in my view.

4) Again, the goal in a bid, by definition, is to get the best bid you can under your own limitations.
Definately putting the highest bid you thought worth it doen't work as such.

Last edited by Pini פיני at 10/20/2011 11:09:39 AM

This Post:
198973.22 in reply to 198973.21
Date: 10/20/2011 11:11:41 AM
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The goal in a bid is to get something you want. It´s not by any means connected to a fair value return or such. It´s definately not "by definition" to get the best you can under limitations.

Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, die Dummheit und das All...
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198973.23 in reply to 198973.22
Date: 10/20/2011 11:20:31 AM
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The goal in a bid is to get something you want. It´s not by any means connected to a fair value return or such. It´s definately not "by definition" to get the best you can under limitations.

It is not hard to prove this statement wrong.
Take a look at any bid - real-life or BB.
You will see a that some of the bidders are bidding more than just once with the max-value he planed to bid (as you implied).

Definition or not, this is the goal of a bidding process.
The seller doesn't set a price to be payed or not, but just a minimum price.
The buyer, one that wants to purchase the offered object, tries to get it as cheap as he can, and under the maximum amount of price he defined for himself he is willing to pay for that player.
