if it should make sense, not. Since you are looking at a complex system, with most likely different option maybe it is easy if you say:
if ( clutchscorer) {take every shoot including those from halfcourt, with a double team}
else {don't shoot}
you need to consider so many parameter like shot clock, passing oppurtunities, own oppurtunity ... And so much more, who are affecting each other and aren't just some if clauses. I doubt that the current ge just calculates prohability to shoot:
PG:20%(*shot prohability formula) SG: 20% ... where you could raise just the prohabilty of sg shooting to 50 and the rest to 12,5, and then make a random decision. that would be easy, but everything said and ge behaviour lead me to another view of the engine.8and even then you have to adjust the prohability formula to a reasonable value, since when you force a shot it get much worse then when you play for the best one).
Currently the code is something like that:
While((DribbleProbability(playerWithBall) > Z)
if(TakingA-ShotProbability(playerWithBall) > X)
Otherwise if(DrivingProbability(playerWithBall) > Y)
Each probability is derived from random parameters and skills.
A player with higher experience will take a shot when has better chance (as described on the manual).
The suggestion will just add to that parameters.
The calculation of that probability will be higher in case the player with the ball is the one who had been defined as the clutch player... at the clutch moments.
And as always, this is not really something never heard of, or out of nowhere, but just what exactly happens at a real BB game.