you would have controlled the boards, if he didn't play 2-3 i get nearly 4 extra level of rebounding when playing it that +40-50%.
Raztting wise i expect an big enthusiam or gs advantage for you(didn't check the salry)
I had three games against the same opponent this season(2* BBB one PL), where i played 2-3 two times of it, the PL match was even in the same week like the second game(so my roster was basically the same, besides the first quarter injury of my SG during the BBB match)
(45458066) 2-3
(45455837) mtm PL
(45611112) 2-3
When you compare salary, this 2-3 loss might be intresting to it was a very close game beside the qulity difference of both teams:
(45599356)Last edited by CrazyEye at 5/2/2012 12:25:58 PM