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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Coach not following the chart strictly

Coach not following the chart strictly

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From: brian
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226919.13 in reply to 226919.12
Date: 9/20/2012 9:46:18 PM
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Have had the best luck with not setting any reserves and ensuring that each of the non-48 min starters has their own separate backup:

P1 - P1
P2 - P6
P3 - P7
P4 - P8
P5 - P9

Any time i set reserves is seems to mess things up, esp when you have a center playing PG, or PG playing C (someone way out of position).

I still think its a bug when in the last min or so, after 46-47 mins of everything going perfect, the GE decides to sub someone like P1 out of the game. It'd make more sense if it did it when it went to blowout, but after up to 10-11 mins of blowout and then sub, that makes no rational sense.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
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226919.14 in reply to 226919.4
Date: 11/12/2012 9:57:51 AM
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That is incorrect im sure , not once when i set my lineup using the correct protocols did i fail to get 48mins on my desired trainee. Only when i made a mess of the lineup or the trainee fouled out did he not get 48mins no matter the score.
The protocols i follow are something like this ,
a a a
b f f
c g g
d h h
e i i

This is 9 letters so 9 players. Notice how there is no positions left blank and there should be exactly 9 names players in the lineup. It is also possible to have other players play 48 mins as well by taking another player out the lineup and having the other player cover his backup and reserve position.

This post is not directed to you Manon as i know you have extensive knowledge of this game and will already know this.

What im saying is you cant be too complicated with your lineup and expect 48mins , it needs to be very basic like the depth chart i showed above.