Welcome to once the most active division III in existence. It is now just a shell of its former self most likely due to all the old regulars getting quite over being in this god forsaken league. I myself have been in this league for 6 seasons and even lost in the finals in season 20 with a 520k roster! So there is only 2 ways out of this league lads; Spend your life savings, take up a job as a prostitute and flaunt your wares to promote OR Sell everything and go out the pooper! PP had had enough last season so he decided to pack his hooker heals and exit through the poo shoot. I however, could not bare to brave the tainted bowels of this foul beast called III.6 and decided to immerse myself in training youngins instead.Anyway enough of my ranting, best of luck this season ya dogs!
how does 10 seasons sound