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OD on PF

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From: DoG
This Post:
268222.14 in reply to 268222.13
Date: 3/10/2015 7:48:45 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
just bought s SF with high OD and low ID - going to experiment how he holds up at C in league play. Hoping his OD will limit opponents shot attempts . . .

This Post:
268222.15 in reply to 268222.11
Date: 3/11/2015 4:17:34 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I think the 1st one better because it all around pf your defending...

I understand the sb 9, theory I assume your showing me and why for tactical reasons.. You are correct in your idea in your point of debate with that. I just would take the 1st one. because all round skills need to be defended by the same... I think his Od is to risky, he need a atleast a 7 at od...

I weight the 7od wanting of mine on age and in game performance

they both are great, great options.imo

Last edited by Mr. Glass at 3/11/2015 4:19:20 PM