Finally one manager came out, very good:)
To Question 1:
I guess to answer this in total numbers is kind of impossible. Of course there is a trend that older players loose more skills than younger players. From my experience it is possible that a 33y old player came through the season without any declining skill. On the other side, I had player in the club who had a double-drop in the first Training-Update after he went 33y. Related to the NT, it is risky to put player above 34y in the NT. You never know where they drop. And if they drop in a key skill (e.g. ID for a C), his roster spot is lost. Til 34y. i would nominate an outstanding player, which is a keyplayer for the team. If I have younger players close to him i wouldn´t nominate the old one. But again, usually I don´t nominate 34y old players, except he is really outstanding, and i know his history.
To Qustion 2: I start normally with 12 player for one tactic and nominate the following games according to new tactics. To answer your question precisely: I would have 6 spots open.
To Question 3: In Germany and Saudi Arabia I had (and have) an huge file with all possible players older than 22. And I ask the managers to update me it a skill pops. I also write messages to the manager to coordinate the training to see what they want and what is possible in the training. I won´t say you HAVE to train this or that. I give suggestions and if a manager has a question i am eager to help with the development of player. With the manager I try to identify a possible target in skills, how the player should looks like (including the ideas of the managers ideas) and if this is fix I try to figure out how the manager can organize the training to reach the goals on the shortest way. And how to know what player to add. Therefore I scout all possible target players via a nomination to get his skills and put all the skill in a loooong list. And then I contact the managers about the training. And if I don´t get updates, I am not shy to drop a message
But usually the cooperation works really good. At least with managers who are interested in training their players into the NT. And so I keep the list updated and I can easily pick from that list. In the season break between the first and the second season I repeat the scouting of all player to see the development - and ... keep the list updated.
Puuuhhhh .. that was more than I want to say, but okay. I hope you are not bored by the long text.
Last edited by Coach MK at 5/27/2016 5:32:09 PM
Hell Ya - We are coming from the North to conquer your arena ...