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Stamina/Free throw training

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294281.14 in reply to 294281.13
Date: 6/4/2018 2:18:14 PM
Edson Rush
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Really? I always thought that balanced players get the most training since all players get the same cross training but more balanced players also get more primary training.

Look what the game manual says about this:
A particularly well-rounded player will continue to receive cross-training but will see a much lower reduction in primary skill training, while a particularly one-dimensional player will see a larger loss.

players will always receive a set amount of cross-training

The manual does say that balanced players get more primary training but it doesn't say anywhere that they get less cross training, in fact it suggests that all players get the same cross training since the cross training amount remains constant. Of course, if you have inside information on this topic then I'd love to hear it.

Last edited by Mountaineer at 6/4/2018 2:20:07 PM

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294281.16 in reply to 294281.15
Date: 6/5/2018 1:27:48 PM
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 And it would be strange to give more training to some players.

Elastic effect?

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294281.17 in reply to 294281.14
Date: 6/5/2018 3:01:12 PM
Delaware 87ers
Overall Posts Rated:
Really? I always thought that balanced players get the most training since all players get the same cross training but more balanced players also get more primary training.

Look what the game manual says about this:
A particularly well-rounded player will continue to receive cross-training but will see a much lower reduction in primary skill training, while a particularly one-dimensional player will see a larger loss.

players will always receive a set amount of cross-training

The manual does say that balanced players get more primary training but it doesn't say anywhere that they get less cross training, in fact it suggests that all players get the same cross training since the cross training amount remains constant. Of course, if you have inside information on this topic then I'd love to hear it.

If we could see the sublevels for each skill thsee questions could be easily answered.