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Season 45

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To: Apex
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298197.13 in reply to 298197.12
Date: 2/9/2019 2:47:23 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The good news is that I have a fairly young base and still have money to spend. I’m going to train these guys and if I need to sell one or two to add some depth in the future I can do that. I just wanted something to keep me active and competitive for a while.

From: Apex

This Post:
298197.15 in reply to 298197.14
Date: 2/9/2019 1:37:08 PM
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You can definitely make it worth but if the goal is the NBBA then starting with a young american core and training up is the best way to get there.

2x NBBA Champion: S55, S56. 3x USA Cup Champion: S54, S55, S56. WR for longest home streak ever at 11 in Season 47.

To: Apex
This Post:
298197.17 in reply to 298197.15
Date: 2/11/2019 2:27:59 AM
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Second Team:
I agree with you Apex. I think I want to get some training in on these guys and get to a point where I can be more profitable for a few seasons while these guys are improving. I guess the ultimate goal with what I’m doing here would be D2 in a few seasons, hopefully profit some on training and get a little bigger bankroll, buy a couple of game changing trainers and buy some top American Prospects. It’s a longer goal but it will keep me active and more involved. I’ve spent years playing this game and I do want to eventually get to the top league but having something to keep me engaged is just as important. I’m sure you understand.

From: Apex

This Post:
298197.18 in reply to 298197.17
Date: 2/11/2019 12:21:36 PM
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Yeah that makes sense, I was just up in D2 but didn't wanna hold on to my young core of 23/24 year olds so I sold them for a few mil each. Figured their value would be better on the TL as they had mostly capped and I didn't have the funds to make NBBA. But yeah I totally understand. I think for this league you may have gone a bit overboard with players, you should promote without any resistance at all unless Volcanic Ash wants to throw a few more players on

2x NBBA Champion: S55, S56. 3x USA Cup Champion: S54, S55, S56. WR for longest home streak ever at 11 in Season 47.
This Post:
298197.20 in reply to 298197.19
Date: 2/11/2019 3:32:33 PM
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I'd like to disagree with the beasters ability to contend. When your top 5 starting lineup is down 160k to 77k theres just not much you can do as a manager to pull that back. D4 is all about salaries. Down here it doesn't really matter how you manage your tactics as long as you keep GS and salaries high. Beasters and Ash also have about a third of the arena size that Daggers has, meaning that regardless of how hard they try Daggers will always have an income advantage over them since he can fill the full 20k arena size when he gets on a roll.

If Daggers maintains his roster and adds a few more pieces to control Game Shape well, he takes it freely. If he fucks it up then Ash should be good for promo if he can keep that salary with that arena.

2x NBBA Champion: S55, S56. 3x USA Cup Champion: S54, S55, S56. WR for longest home streak ever at 11 in Season 47.
This Post:
298197.22 in reply to 298197.21
Date: 2/11/2019 11:15:58 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
I do plan to add some depth the 2nd half of the season just for game shape purposes. Right now I just want to get the 2 bigs a couple of weeks of 1v1 forwards that I’ll also give the 4 guards. One of the bigs needs a pop of handling for me to be happy. Then I will shift to just the guards training on their deficiencies and add some low rent fill players to get game shape back up for the playoffs. With the salary that will be added to the guards after the season I will need to promote or this payroll won’t sustain in D4. I will give it my best and I’m just happy to be competitive. I do appreciate the vote of confidence Apex but we all know it’s a long season and many things can change. I’m not counting any eggs yet although I do hope for the best. For a D4 league it is getting pretty competitive, that’s for sure.
