The more high bid trading that goes on, the more the market appears to gain in inflation. The trades not only cause a collusive teaming of two or more teams, they raise the prices on all of us for legitimate transfers. I think more severe punishment for obvious cases should be considered. The loss of dual overpriced players to free agency plus the cash spent seems an adequate deterent. Only those with collusive intentions should oppose this.
Now you are hitting the nail right on the head....
TPE's are always susceptible to a cheating bid that distorts the numbers until that trade is effectively flushed out of the system.... if others are compelled to try and sabotage a trade (and fail) all this does is artificially inflate similar players TPE's which hurts the more casual user.
Booting off players to Free Agents is effectively showing everyone in the BB community that these teams got caught whereas a fine is taken care of behind the scenes.... sadly though in the case of the fine the players still end up with their intended clubs.... the only hope is that the fine is severe enough for them to have to list other players in order to keep the balance economically... still this doesnt solve the fact that the traded players destiny is already pre-set at the point of listing.