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BBB season 12.

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140376.132 in reply to 140376.126
Date: 5/27/2010 1:46:00 AM
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arrange a SC for re-match .......

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140376.133 in reply to 140376.126
Date: 5/27/2010 2:07:27 AM
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Does not elimanate the fact you did great by being in the finals for 2 seasons!

Unlucky set of events. I feel for you mate....

yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."
This Post:
140376.134 in reply to 140376.133
Date: 5/27/2010 3:44:46 AM
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Unlucky set of events. I feel for you mate....

it's not really bad luck... it's a bad mistake.
I check my lineup at least twice for every single game... I would probably check it 10 times for a BBB final.

From: PH-cezzz

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140376.135 in reply to 140376.126
Date: 5/27/2010 5:30:30 AM
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At least you've written an epic history in BB.. Peace.. ;-)

From: kelyx

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140376.136 in reply to 140376.134
Date: 5/27/2010 7:52:48 AM
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I agre with you... if you are the one in BB you can´t make this mistake...

Congratulations Dragonlance for make a good match

From: Benjamin

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140376.137 in reply to 140376.136
Date: 5/27/2010 8:35:46 AM
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We're all human, and mistakes happen. It's simply a game, there's more - and more important - in life.

Last edited by Benjamin at 5/27/2010 8:36:04 AM

This Post:
140376.138 in reply to 140376.137
Date: 5/27/2010 10:15:28 AM
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We're all human, and mistakes happen. It's simply a game, there's more - and more important - in life.

oh really? Thanks for teaching us such an important life lesson :)

Last edited by Newton07 at 5/27/2010 10:16:30 AM

This Post:
140376.139 in reply to 140376.138
Date: 5/27/2010 10:26:09 AM
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Seems as if you haven't learnt it yet, otherwise you would not teach others about their mistakes here.

From: Ref

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140376.140 in reply to 140376.139
Date: 5/27/2010 10:44:03 AM
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Wow,why are you making such a big deal out of this if its just game??
Anyway grats to dragones,win is a win...

From: brian

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140376.141 in reply to 140376.139
Date: 5/27/2010 10:50:18 AM
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Well put, unfortunately my attempted 5 ball of that comment got the:

You cannot rate posts by the same person more than once every 12 hours.

I'll get ya tomorrow

"Well, no ones gonna top that." - http://tinyurl.com/noigttt
From: Zezo™
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140376.142 in reply to 140376.141
Date: 5/27/2010 11:00:49 AM
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let's try to not start quarreling about life lessons or whatever here, please :)
mistakes happen, as it happens to not have the time to check the lineup ten, two or even one time. sometimes there is really no free time, that's it. it's a pity it happened in a once-in-a-season match, but that's it. luckily both teams are good enough to get there again :)
no more off-topic, thanks.
