true about the market overreacting. Myself, I'm still not affected, I still have a small surplus and I keep now a 103k tax exemption, with a 21-y/o MVP-potential Center still developing [I had him all last season in secondaries, so he saw only a small bump in salary], so my training exemption will grow. Luckily, in advance of these changes, preannounced -although mildly- last season, I already had a good trainer in place [lvl 5, 20k salary, for 300k buy].
Now, the interesting thing is when thinking developing other positions in my team [like SF, or PG], which I would like to start next season, I find now difficult to get 4 draft point per week to do at least a decent scouting. With the OET, I find these points obviously more valuable than before. I haven't looked at the market now for juveniles, but my guess is these guys will go $tunningly crazy. Besides, maybe people don't notice it, but there's a good slice of marketing for having your OWN draftees developed. Perhaps they don't get in the U21, but if you get one of these dudes to lead your league in anything [points, rebounds, etc], they will be worth the pain.
So all of this apparently "random" thoughts all get in the mix of strategy. It's not like the OET made them this way, no. They were like that before. But, like you said, with the market fluctuating, and people going expensive for a 18-y-o Franchise player, you kind of feel more of an urgency to clean your economy, have a good draft and develop. Basically, you want to turn into the San Antonio Spurs or the Oklahoma City Thunder, and not the Brooklyn Nets. That's TOUGH to do on the fly.