BuzzerBeater Forums

Suggestions > Moratorium on ALL new changes for one year

Moratorium on ALL new changes for one year

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From: Heathcoat

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182276.133 in reply to 182276.132
Date: 5/6/2011 12:13:17 AM
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It seems like you didnt read what I said very carefully and just reacted. It's cool man, as I said I too think it is broken. I just dont agree that bending the game to every player need and want in all situations is the answer. Just voicing my opinion, as you have done over and over and over ad naseum. Feel free to save the flamage for the next guy foolish enough to try discussing it with you.

From: Coolbobj

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182276.136 in reply to 182276.135
Date: 5/6/2011 3:34:57 AM
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Aren't there 2 2-3 debates on the suggestion forums, one of them need to be closed, we have enough 2-3 zone debating on BB.

Check the Suggestions they are important
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182276.141 in reply to 182276.136
Date: 5/6/2011 1:39:15 PM
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I didn't start this thread to debate 2-3, so I hope it's not closed. I'd love to get back to the original topic ;)

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182276.142 in reply to 182276.140
Date: 5/6/2011 3:05:30 PM
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To reiterate: I'm not arguing against change, I'm only arguing against the process of changing hastily. I'm pretty much in agreement with you, but I think the process of implementing a change should be arduous, in order to ensure that the change is indisputably good for the game, and to allow changes to be discussed productively.

Your last paragraph is a bit troubling though. Making changes such as the training change every offseason will ruin the game. The BBs can't be reactionary to forum posts and popular sentiments. The game should never be designed to suit us; in general, we should always strategize to suit the game.

Last edited by RiseandFire at 5/6/2011 3:07:26 PM
