Shot blocking is vastly underrated. On all players, not just bigs.
I think I've been saying this for 15 seasons now, but next to OD/ID, my favorite skill in BB is Driving. The problem, of course, is that Handling is trained 80% for every 1 Driving pop(unless they've changed those #s recently), and handling is an expensive, and cap eating skill.
When I search for trainees I always look for high driving and low handling. They go much cheaper than other more rounded prospects, but not everyone is rolling in dough.
The player here, while not American, is a steal for what he's currently bid at.
(38595636). This one is American, and to me he is worth so much money. You can get him for less than 300k I bet
(38358485)When I'm manager I'll scout the players for the team differently. I'll also teach people how to scout their potential trainees differently. Realistically, you know the % of BB users who draft/buy a MVP+ player and actually train him to cap? Very very low. I've been playing this game for 6 years and I haven't even done that. I've trained 1 PAS guy to cap. You don't need to fixate on the MVPs when you can get a PAS trainee at 1/4 the cost that will serve a similar purpose to your team that the MVP that caught your eye would have.