Cheating could be addressed, but BB does not appear to do so. I have found more than one cheating team already and even made a report to BB … and nothing happens. The idea that “sooner or later we catch cheaters” is in no way sufficient. Unless and until BB gets serious about policing the game as it exists now, ANY idea that carries added cheating opportunities as a side effect is poison to the game … (though I can understand why some people would try to minimize the threat that cheating represents for reasons of their own).
I think the issue might be on your end, not BB's end. I've reported several teams who had multiple accounts over the past 10 seasons, probably about 10-12 users and 25+ teams in total and in every instance those accounts were indeed banned. If you make the report, they will check it out and ban the teams. Not occasionally but every single time assuming that the person is actually cheating. Make sure you report what you see instead of assuming someone else will do it and it will be definitely addressed.
You appear to be new to the game so perhaps you don't realize that BB has actually banned the users you reported? The teams don't disappear or change names, they just become inactive and the only way you can tell is if the user of that team is no longer logging in to his team. Then after 6-7 weeks the team will become computerized.
Last edited by Beener not Beanerz at 1/8/2014 12:46:17 PM