"Bidding up players from the opposition." -- I only brought this up as something to consider if the proposal passes. It is not something I would look to do, or particularly worry about. Considering all the other restrictions, I was trying to help by bringing up other possible pitfalls.
Anyway, I still prefer one team per person, but don't think adding secondary teams will doom the game or anything. If the proposal does pass, I would probably get a second team. And I'm a supporter and plan to continue to support the game for as long as I play, so my no vote is done with the utmost integrity and best interests of the game in mind. Saying that, I've only played the game for a couple of seasons, and maybe after playing for 10+ seasons, I would be more welcome to the second team idea.
Last edited by Big Chief Triangle at 1/12/2014 9:32:36 PM