All right,but my guard has 5 in experience,is he the only stupid but experienced player of the BB world?I wouldn't call a player with experience 5 particularly experienced.
All right,but my guard has 5 in experience,is he the only stupid but experienced player of the BB world?
All right,but my guard has 5 in experience,is he the only stupid but experienced player of the BB world?I wouldn't call a player with experience 5 particularly experienced.What kind of player would you call experienced?What is the average level of experience of your players?No irony in my words,these are serious questions ;DMy understanding for an experienced player is strong+. A player with "mediocre" experience is, well, exactly what the skill name says :)
All right,but my guard has 5 in experience,is he the only stupid but experienced player of the BB world?I wouldn't call a player with experience 5 particularly experienced.What kind of player would you call experienced?What is the average level of experience of your players?No irony in my words,these are serious questions ;D