500K a week? Considering with the salary floor, my wages are only around 200K lower than yours, plus my attendance is crap, and I am forking out a fair bit for staff salaries, that is a gross overexaggeration

. This season isn't about making cash for me, just happy training the young uns.
Short answer is no, it is actually a fairly strong season. It will be interesting to see how teams like Pancakes and BLS go against Whitebeard - that will be the true test.
There are obviously some teams who could get alot stronger, but frankly, its been like that for many seasons - think back a few seasons ago and you are looking at a fairly similar story - me and Whitebeard challenging, then a bunch of teams tanking, taking advantage of tankers, or going for 5th.
And greater attandance follows winning - its not that hard to make a profit with 800K+ salaries, because if you are any good, you should be winning games and raking in attendance money - even if your merchandise is crap.
To be honest, as effectively an outsider this season, there seems to be quite a few teams who really should be biting the bullet, and getting above 800K salary to become a true contender (and that's what it takes - unless your team is amazingly built you ain't winning the ABBL with sub 750K salaries). There are alot of teams who have been drifting between 600K-700K salaries for a number of seasons, but seem what whatever reason unwilling to spend the dough to become contenders. In the meantime, you are letting Whitebeard kick your buts and rack up a crapload of merch and attendance cash