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Training Simulator

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From: D0p
This Post:
229484.138 in reply to 229484.137
Date: 12/30/2017 8:14:21 AM
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For people who still use the tool, in order to get a version for season 40-49:
- change the date in A21 to 09/29/2017
- change the 10 labels from B19, B35.. to Season 40, Season 41..
- change the age of players in Player Input tab to their respective age in Season 40

See you in 2020

Last edited by D0p at 12/30/2017 8:16:15 AM

This Post:
229484.139 in reply to 229484.138
Date: 6/6/2021 6:13:57 PM
The Orchestra
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The Entertainers
Hi all. Back in the game. Does anybody still use this? Did the "Youth Trainer" and "Gym" innovations render this obsolete? Anybody doing interesting analysis anymore? Or what helper apps are you using?

This Post:
229484.140 in reply to 229484.139
Date: 6/6/2021 7:25:28 PM
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good to hear from you after all these years.

I guess the most popular one is nowadays buzzer-manager.

Last edited by pepek at 6/6/2021 7:25:45 PM

This Post:
229484.141 in reply to 229484.44
Date: 6/6/2021 8:30:02 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Very insightful from you on the sublevels topic

A question for you if you could answer

Where can I gain more knowledge about how sublevels work in BB? Every thread I find about this topic seems very oudated like topics from 2012

This Post:
229484.142 in reply to 229484.139
Date: 6/7/2021 6:44:10 AM
Franca Shoemakers Revival
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Mito só o da Caverna
i still use it. it's not perfect but it's a decent predictor tool for long term training even without youth trainer and gym and even if salary estimations are completely off.

for salary estimation buzzer manager is way more accurate, but it does not have similar capabilities in terms of long term training

This Post:
229484.143 in reply to 229484.139
Date: 6/7/2021 11:13:08 AM
Cobra Kai
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Wu Tang Clan
Welcome back !! Good to see you again after all those years. I think there is a forum post that players post their results in training using both basic and youth trainer or gym. I cant find it right now but i will try again. It would be great if you could still update ur tool. It was amazingly helpful

This Post:
229484.144 in reply to 229484.141
Date: 6/7/2021 10:43:02 PM
The Orchestra
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Second Team:
The Entertainers
Sure. Sublevels are just decimals. You train a player and get part of the way to the next level. Sublevels are just a way of keeping track of how close you are to the next level. I think there is still debate about whether the game engine takes sublevels into account (at least there was at one point). I don't think it does.

This Post:
229484.145 in reply to 229484.134
Date: 6/7/2021 10:45:24 PM
The Orchestra
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The Entertainers
No idea if you still want to do this, but you're welcome to do that.

This Post:
229484.146 in reply to 229484.143
Date: 6/7/2021 10:51:00 PM
The Orchestra
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The Entertainers
Thanks! I wasn't the guy who had the know-how to do the data analysis. So I would only be guessing if I tried to update the Training Simulator. And to be honest, I don't have the time to devote to that. Hopefully this works well enough as is.

This Post:
229484.148 in reply to 229484.147
Date: 6/8/2021 11:36:47 AM
Le Cotiche
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Sure. Sublevels are just decimals. You train a player and get part of the way to the next level. Sublevels are just a way of keeping track of how close you are to the next level. I think there is still debate about whether the game engine takes sublevels into account (at least there was at one point). I don't think it does.

Pretty sure the current consensus is that sublevels are taken into account during games.

was there even ever a debate?
