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BB Portugal > O BBdependente nº 16

O BBdependente nº 16

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From: sergiuz
This Post:
145018.14 in reply to 145018.13
Date: 5/26/2010 8:45:52 PM
Ermesinde HUSKIES
Overall Posts Rated:
A Grande Pinguinada

Depois do grande sucesso da última Grande Pinguinada, resolvemos desta vez entrevistar o número um mundial, GM-Labude, manager da equipa ESV Laim (26163). Recebemos ainda informações neste preciso momento que o Treinador da equipa foi encontrado embriagado e a grande final do B3 de hoje ficou destruída devido a erros tácticos! De qualquer forma aqui têm a entrevista conseguida pelo nosso poliglota, o Narval Desdentado.

Narval Desdentado: És actualmente o número um mundial no BB. Como é estar nesta posição?

GM-Labude: Óptimo, mas é apenas estatística. É mais importante defender o título de campeão do B3 esta noite contra os Los Dragones.

ND: A nossa redacção deu uma vista de olhos pela tua equipa e reparámos que tens 3 jogadores Holandeses! Tendo em conta a rivalidade existente entre a Alemanha e a Holanda e a grande competição que sempre houve entre elas, o que é que os teus fãs pensam disto? his?

GM-L: Tal como eu disse na minha última entrevista, sou um grande fã do Bayern Müchen e eles têm tido um grande sucesso com os Holandeses por isso até encaixa bem. Especialmente Domenicus van Voorthuizen que foi o meu melhor jogador a época passada no B3 e será sempre uma lenda.

ND: Nós (os Portugueses) idolatramos os nossos jogadores e sabemos que o Bernardo Guedes faz parte da tua equipa desde a época 10 depois de um grande investimento. Estás satisfeito com ele? Recomendarias o sangue português a todas as equipas do BB?

GM-L: O Guedes tem um conjunto de skills muito especial e é um jogador muito importante para diferentes tácticas. Ainda consegue melhorar com o treino e será um jogador base nas próximas épocas.

ND: E falando sobre portugueses (e nós adoramos isso), o número dois mundial e o teu rival da final do B3, também tem algum sangue português no plantel. Estou a falar é claro do

GM-L: O Silves tem umas skills impressionantes. Se ele consegue a bola em boa posição é quase impossível conseguir impedir que marque e a sua defesa e poder de ressalto vão magoar a minha equipa. Mas infelizmente há outros jogadores fortes como o Moreira por isso a defesa terá que ser repartida. Tenho algumas ideias sobre como jogar e em que táctica mas vai ser um jogo duro.

ND: O António Arnal foi apanhado pela polícia a conduzir loucamente numa das autoestradas sem limites de velocidade na Alemanha. Alguns rumores dizem que na realidade estava sobre o efeito de estupefacientes e que a sua forma pode ser explicada por isso. Algum comentário sobre isso?

GM-L: O presidente do clube está impedido de falar sobre o António. No entanto, gostava de afirmar que ele é praticamente inútil para a equipa mas algumas pessoas têm exercido imensa pressão para o manter.

ND: O GM-Damena está sempre a chorar porque nunca conseguiu ir tão longe na competição do B3. Queres deixar-lhe alguma mensagem? Talvez parar de tentar?

GM-L: Damena, conheço bem a tua equipa, já jogamos 7 vezes em ligas privadas. Nos últimos meses tens melhorado imenso por isso continua o trabalho e a melhorar e de certeza que conseguirás óptimos resultados daqui a umas épocas!

From: sergiuz
This Post:
145018.15 in reply to 145018.14
Date: 5/26/2010 8:46:23 PM
Ermesinde HUSKIES
Overall Posts Rated:
Terror na comunidade portuguesa do BB

Recentemente tivemos um ataque fortíssimo de uma nova equipa que promete destruir o sonho de várias outras equipas portuguesas! Tenha atenção e tenham medo... porque os Moinho da Mata (101545) prometem arrasar. O nosso repórter Lontra Sem-Medo conseguiu uma entrevista exclusiva com o manager da equipa, Micael Mendes.

Pinguim Sem-Medo: Parece que conseguiste espalhar o pânico pelo fórum ao anunciares a criação da equipa mais forte! A estratégia passa por intimidar os adversários com palavras de confiança?

Micael Mendes: Aquilo que eu fiz ao anunciar isso foi criar uma espécie de acção-reacção.Queria digamos assim espicaçar os outros jogadores e alem disso chamar a atenção para a minha equipa.Penso que consegui isso,o tópico esta bem animado e agora muitos users sabem que existe a equipa do Moinho da Mata.Foi acima de tudo uma bela acção de marketing.

PS-M: O BBDependente reparou que já fizeste umas alterações na tua equipa. Porquê dois americanos?

MM: Os dois americanos foi mera coincidência. Precisava de reforçar a equipa com dois jogadores de preferência estrangeiros, já que a equipa era só composta por portugueses, para que esses estrangeiros trouxessem algo de novo à equipa.

PS-M: Onde esperas estar em 3 épocas?

MM: Bom espero estar o melhor possível.Como ainda sou um novato neste jogo não faço previsões a longo prazo, prefiro ir jogo a jogo e ir ganhando que é o que tem acontecido, e tudo o que vier será lucro. Espero estar acima de tudo daqui a três épocas muito mais forte do que estou neste momento Alem disso ate é bom não subir muito já, porque assim vão outros ganhando, pois quando la chegar ganho eu.

PS-M: Que achas do jogo até agora? Pretendes continuar a jogar ou vieste só para dar uma voltinha?

MM: Descobri este jogo por acaso e a verdade é que estou a gostar. Como gosto de basket da-me prazer este jogo é uma boa maneira de passar o tempo. E claro que vim para ficar, não se livram assim tão facilmente de mim, ainda tenho muito para ganhar neste jogo, e muitas equipas para derrotar.

PS-M: Alguma palavra para a comunidade portuguesa do BB?

MM: Que cada um continue a fazer da sua equipa a melhor possível. E que acima de tudo haja respeito entre todos. Que este jogo se torne numa boa plataforma de amizade e de puro desportivismo. E que tentem derrotar a equipa do Moinho da Mata.

Agradecemos desde já a disponibilidade deste novo usuário em responder às perguntas colocadas. É sempre bom termos os novos users a integrarem-se rapidamente e usufruirem do jogo o melhor possível!
A edição fecha aqui... com muita pena nossa não conseguimos ainda a grande entrevista, e são neste momento 1h30 da manhã (hora Holandesa) e a Taberna do Pinguim vai fechar. Muito obrigado, voltem sempre e até pra semana!

From: sergiuz
This Post:
145018.16 in reply to 145018.15
Date: 5/26/2010 8:47:06 PM
Ermesinde HUSKIES
Overall Posts Rated:

Nº0 - (119754.2)
Nº0.1 - (119754.44)
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Nº5 - (127834.1)
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Nº7 - (129555.1)
Nº8 - (130432.1)
Nº9 - (131178.1)
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Nº11 - (132662.1)
Nº12 - (133399.1)
Nº13 - (134425.1)
Nº14 - (143786.1)
Nº15 - (144398.1)

Ainda e sempre... Ardinario dixit: "Resta-me agradecer a toda a equipa que ajudou a realizar e produzir esta edição, estando naturalmente incluídos todos os que ao longo da semana dão uma força extra nos comentários ao BBDependente."

Aberto para comentários.

This Post:
145018.17 in reply to 145018.16
Date: 5/26/2010 8:56:08 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Muito bom!!!

já agora alguem tem uma Dodot? pois de tanto rir acho que derramei umas gotinhas de mijo, ou isso ou sofro de incontinência...

fdx eu comprei o jornal a pensar nos classificados para ligar a uma brazuca, e dizes que é só pá semana... lá vou eu ao Copenhaga ;)

This Post:
145018.18 in reply to 145018.17
Date: 5/27/2010 1:21:25 AM
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Bela leitura para estes trabalhadores abnegados que para além do seu horário normal 9-18h30 ainda têm de fazer directas a trabalhar nos clientes. Lança outra edição amanhã s.f.f. porque deste lado será mais do mesmo e ajuda a passar a noite.


This Post:
145018.19 in reply to 145018.16
Date: 5/27/2010 5:41:35 AM
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Mais uma excelente edição! O suplemento Pinguim já é um must e gostei da lição de história do LATrain (eu li tudo!). Também fico contente por não ter ainda aparecido o BBui Santos a pedir a demissão do actual seleccionador.
Como deves ter reparado, esqueci-me completamente do TotoBBola...

This Post:
145018.20 in reply to 145018.19
Date: 5/27/2010 9:14:30 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
In respect to our international players the Killer Penguin's direction decided to add and extra supplement in english for the Penguin's Tavern.



Dear all,
As always, the Penguin’s Tavern is going to show you the passion around the Portuguese Tournament in letters and numbers. We are in the quarter-finals and things are starting to get serious for the smaller teams (by smaller I mean the ones with a lowest national ranking or two division apart from the first one). Unfortunately the reporters didn’t have enough time and some interviews did not came on time (we apology for that). Taking that into account we have only one interview from the Tournament but to ensure we make everyone happy we have some bonus in the edition being one of them an interview to the world number one BB team which, by the way, is actually playing now for the final of the B3 competition. Keep supporting the greatest cause “save the Penguins” and we will keep on publishing every week!

The director,
Killer Penguin

This Post:
145018.21 in reply to 145018.20
Date: 5/27/2010 9:15:02 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
The Tournament’s Party

We are in the quarter-finals! We had a few surprises in the last round where Portugal Telecom (39037) lost against the Clube Desportivo das Aves (94257) after the last had played with the full season enthusiasm in the game! Apart from that, no big surprises and the considered stronger teams have all survived and gone through the round.

The statistical analysis doesn’t make sense anymore as only a few teams are playing and our analists went for some long vacations till the next season. This being said, we will continue with the previsions with 100% of confidence from the Double-Tooth Walrus:

- At least one team of the I division will be in the next round;
- Only 4 teams will be present in the next round and from that ones only one will win the tournament;
- All the teams from the next round will be in the first 100 of the ranking;
- The 4 teams that win this round will be present in the next one!

We have to point out that our Walrus was 100% correct in the last previsions and no one won the price consisted of several different fishes.

Once more, our best reporter, Jumping Penguin, interviewed the worst team in the ranking still present in the Tournament which is actually the one that gave the only big surprise in the last round. Aves can actually thank to Portugal Telecom, without who they would not have been asked for an interview to the best newspaper of the community.

Jumping Penguin: As always we like to interview the worst classified team in the ranking. The Clube Desportivo das Aves have played well and they even beat one of the best teams in the first league. Now you got the “Broad Bean” (Portuguese expression that refers to the unluckiest one), what are the plans?

Avense: The plans are clear: to try to loose by a not so big difference. Abrantes Basket is probably the best team in Portugal. There were 2 division III teams present and we thought the luck could be on our side so we invested everything in order to possible achieve the semi-finals. After the draw we just have to be happy by the rare opportunity of playing against Abrantes Basket.

JP: Aves is also well positioned in the division and has good chances of going to the second division. You’re not afraid that the enthusiasm applied in the cup will give you some trouble to win the division?

A: It is always a big risk but I believe it was worthwhile to try and it is already a major achievement for the team. Apart from that, we add this effort while we still have some weeks to recover it. I have to admit that maybe the first place will be hard to take now but I am still pretty confident for the playoffs.

JP: We noticed that Celestino Figueira is incredibly similar to Sérgio França of Abrantes Basket. Is that you’re strategy to confuse your rival?

A: It would be a good sign if my players could actually make Abrantes players somehow confused. Unfortunately the differences in the field are extremely evident.

JP: The Penguin’s Tavern decided to make a deep investigation into the Clube Desportivo das Aves (Aves means Birds in Portuguese). According to our counts, the club has at the moment 10 falcons, 3 eagles, 20 vultures, 200 pigeons, 30 sparrows and one nightingale. What happen with the Parrot? Are you trying to hide him from the finance departments?

A: I believe you made a really bad research The Aves (Birds) that give the name to the club (and to the Village Vila das Aves) are not actually birds but it comes from the rivers Rio Ave and Rio Vizela (which actually means in latin small bird)!

JP: One small word for the rival of the cup...

A: I do not wish good luck because apart from the more than obvious differences between players if they have the luck on their side I would come back with a terrible defeat!

This Post:
145018.22 in reply to 145018.21
Date: 5/27/2010 9:15:23 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Unfortunately, till the moment we couldn’t get the other interviews. The direction apologies once more and promises to have some Penguin’s Porno in the next edition.

The Big Penguin Talk

After the great success of the last edition, we decided to interview this time the manager of the number one team of BB, GM-Labude, manager of ESV Laim (26163). We received some live information that the coach of the team was caught drunk and the B3 final was destroyed by tactical and line-up mistakes. Anyway, we present the interview that our polyglot reporter could make, the Toothless Narwhal.

Toothless Narwhal: You are currently the manager of the number one BB team. How does it fell?

GM-Labude: Great, but it's only a statistic. It's more important to defend the B3 title against Dragones tonight! (Yesterday)

TN: We had a quick look into your team and we realize that you have 3 Dutch players! Considering that German and Netherlands have always had huge competition between them and a kind of rivalry, what your fans think about this?

GM-L: Like I said in my last interview I'm a huge fan of Bayern München and they also have great success with Dutchs at the moment, so it figures well.
Especially Domenicus van Voorthuizen was my best player this and last B3 season and he'll always be a legend.

TN: We (Portuguese) are really proud about our players and we know that Bernardo Guedes is part of your team since season 10 after a big investment. Are you happy with him? Will you recommend all the teams in the BB world to have their own Portuguese player?

GM-L: Guedes has a special skill set and is a very important player for different tactical variations. He still improves with training and will be a mainstay for the next seasons.

TN: Speaking about Portuguese (and we do love that), the number 2 and your opponent on the B3 final has also some Portuguese blood running on the team. I speak of course about António Silves but also Afonso Moreira. Do you already have something in mind to stop them?

GM-L: Silves has impressive skills. If he got the ball in a good position it's nearly impossible to stop him from scoring and also his defense and rebounds will hurt me. But unfortunately there are other strong players like Moreira so the defense has to split. I have some ideas about line up and tactics, but it's going to be a tough game.

TN: Antonio Arnal was caught by the police driving like crazy in the non-limiting speed highways of Germany. Some rumors said that he was actually on drugs and is inept form could explain that. Do you have any comments about this as the general manager?

GM-L: The club-president forbid to speak about Antonio. Nevertheless I dare to say that he's nearly useless for my team but there are mighty people in the club which pressure me to keep him.

TN: GM-Damena is always crying because he never went that far on the B3 competition. Do you wanna give him a message? Maybe stop trying?

GM-L: Damena, I know your team well, we played 7 times in PL. You improved much last months so please stay focused on improving and it will pay off in a few seasons!

Last edited by Killer Penguin at 5/27/2010 9:17:13 AM

This Post:
145018.24 in reply to 145018.22
Date: 5/27/2010 9:15:44 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
A Nightmare in Portuguese BB street

Recently we had some attacks from a brand new team that promises to destroy the dreams of several others. Be careful and be afraid.... Because the Moinho da Mata (101545) is here to win! Our reporter Fearless Otter had access to an exclusive interviw with the manager of the team, Micael Mendes.

Fearless Otter: It seems that you were able to spread the panic around the forum after the announcement of the strongest team in the BB! It is part of your strategy to intimidate the rivals with words of confidence?

Micael Mendes: What I did upon announcing my team was to create an action/reaction. I wanted, let’s say, open the eyes of other teams to mine. I think I manage to acomplish that and the topic is really alive and several users already know about me now. It was good Marketing approach.

FO: The BBDependent noticed that you already have two americans on the team. Why is that?

MM: The Americans are pure coincidence. I needed to reinforce the team with two players and preferentially foreigners because the team was only composed of Portuguese and I wanted them to bring something new to the team.

FO: Where do you expect to be in three seasons?

MM: Well, I hope to be as well as possible. As I am a freshman in this game I don’t want to make any prognosis and instead, make each game a winning game which actually has happen, everything else is a bonus. I hope above all to be stronger than this moment. It is actually good not to change division now as other teams can win. Because once I get there, I will be winning everything!

FO: What do you think about the game till now? Do you intend to stay or is this game only temporary?

MM: I discovered the game by chance and it is indeed true that I like it. I like basketball and this game is really pleasant and a good way to spend some spare time. And of course I am here to stay and you can’t get rid of me that easily. I still have a lot to give to this game and to win, there’s plenty of teams to defeat!

FO: Any word for the Portuguese BB Comunity?

MM: I just expect everyone to make their teams as better as possible. Above all, I wish for respect between everyone. Let us make this game a good support for friendship and pure fair play. And of course, do your best to defeat the Moinho da Mata.

We thank to Micael for the availability and for the answers to our questions. It is pleasant to see some new users getting integrated into the community.

We close the edition here and we hope you have all enjoyed. The Penguin’s Tavern will be back next week!

Last edited by Killer Penguin at 5/27/2010 9:16:32 AM
