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Suggestions > rename draft pick as supporter feature

rename draft pick as supporter feature

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From: CrazyEye

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147948.14 in reply to 147948.13
Date: 6/29/2010 5:27:52 AM
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this still make it a lot of work for the gm who had to check each name, and also silly names like |-|0m0r $!mp50n - ok maybe some sign would be forbidden that it don't becme that weird but don't underestimate creativity.

This Post:
147948.15 in reply to 147948.4
Date: 6/29/2010 7:30:30 AM
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I'm loving this idea of renaming one draft pick with a drop down list, i also like the custom face thing. Do it charles =D

From: Wenzhe

This Post:
147948.16 in reply to 147948.14
Date: 6/29/2010 9:47:23 AM
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this still make it a lot of work for the gm who had to check each name, and also silly names like |-|0m0r $!mp50n - ok maybe some sign would be forbidden that it don't becme that weird but don't underestimate creativity.

What about this, user can suggest non existing first or last names to gm using a system. gm could approve or disapprove (ignore will lead to disapproval). If a name is approved, it will appear in the list and these legal names will appear in this world later either by user's rename action or by the generation system.

Users could rename one draft using the list to create a universal unique (or maxium n players could share a name) name every season.

From: CrazyEye

This Post:
147948.17 in reply to 147948.16
Date: 6/29/2010 10:20:00 AM
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i liek the suggestion thing, but only suggestion and then the wait and search for draw is at least for me intresting.

From: Wenzhe

This Post:
147948.18 in reply to 147948.17
Date: 6/29/2010 2:01:18 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
i liek the suggestion thing, but only suggestion and then the wait and search for draw is at least for me intresting.

And observe him...