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My plans for next years finances arena expansion

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166782.14 in reply to 166782.13
Date: 12/22/2010 7:18:31 AM
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dont make your arena toolarge(like i did) unless u planing to play in the higher division next season or so. i am undefeated in the league i crash my oponents by average of 36 points with 18year old trainees at starters lol. and all i can get from arena is like 90-95k income i have 7500 capacity but max i filled was only ~6500. i think max bleetchers for 5th league cap is like 6000.
btw my fans scouting says they happy by 4.5 balls all the time:]

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166782.15 in reply to 166782.8
Date: 12/22/2010 8:19:15 AM
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Step one, scout your division, look at there arena's (size and prices and look how filled they are)
Step two look at your cash and start building the seats you need. Start with easy fillers. Bleachers and no lux boxes
Step three, look at your place in rankking, and make the prices acording to your place in te ranking.

It has no use building seats foor 29k, just wait until you have some more and build voor 100 or 200k
Then change the prices at the beginning of the new season, when you win a lot of games and it is sold out (90%) then invest in more seats and raise the prices SLOW so dont go from 10 to 20

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166782.16 in reply to 166782.12
Date: 12/22/2010 10:47:18 AM
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Yes exactly, i'm going to build seats to expand to 6500 or 7000 seats, because we're still filling up all our seats, last night we had 5155 seats filled, 100% full. So i think about up to 6500 will do fine. I don't plan on buying any players until i'm over $200,000, right now i'm focusing on this years draft.

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166782.17 in reply to 166782.1
Date: 12/23/2010 2:14:44 PM
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I have a plan to build my money close or to $2 million next season, from this week until the end of next season i'll be expanding my arena, actually i started last week with the addition of a few bleachers. I only have $29,000, i'm also going to be building several luxury boxes since they're so expensive.

Now i have a question, i have only $29,000, and was wondering if when i start or during, or after the expansion of an arena, will i loose any of that money?

I get what your saying in the second paragraph and the answer is yes u pay when you Expand your Arena. so if u were to add 1 bleacher after you press Get quote for work then Confirm that u wanna build it u have to pay 200 which is how much 1 bleacher Costs and so on for whatever you plan on building

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166782.18 in reply to 166782.17
Date: 12/25/2010 3:37:07 AM
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if you are only making $30k a week or less now how do you plan to make 2 million next season?

From: CrazyEye

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166782.20 in reply to 166782.19
Date: 12/25/2010 6:38:37 PM
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He said he had a bank balance of 29k not an weekly income of 29k =)

but tewo mill is also a high income over a season ;)

I expect that the money comes mostly about some transfers, maybe downgrading the trainees.

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166782.21 in reply to 166782.20
Date: 12/25/2010 9:56:38 PM
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Oh, i didn't mean get that much money in one season, i know its going to take time.

From: RamQ

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166782.22 in reply to 166782.14
Date: 12/25/2010 11:15:02 PM
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Juscious, What who might need to do is lower your prices to fill those seats, either that or get a better PR manager, If its worth it.

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166782.23 in reply to 166782.21
Date: 12/26/2010 1:40:45 AM
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if you are in d5 you should strip your roster bare

then if doing 1 position training you need

3 trainees 18 or 19 with allstar + potential
4 solid older players in the 6-12k salary range
2 competent backups
2 worthless bits of rubbish paid 1k a week for scrimmages

a level 4 trainer, lev 1 doc and pr

with this team you should win d5, have 3 good trainees who will be able to contribute in d4 the season after, make a lot of money and build up your arena