Make it (at start) as simple as reading the very few sceanrios that could be.
Even just record the result change.
Make it sound mechanically at start.
Do you want this play-by-play in all languages? With all player names, too? I'll do my best to fit this into my LA schedule, if you bring the beer. :-) I don't think text-to-speech is the answer for any other purpose than assistive technology, and the BB's hardly have resources for that anyway.
A limited number of sounds for some special circumstances, such as buzzerbeaters, could be nice. Implementing them into the game viewer would, however, probably not be that easy. As is, any updates to the game viewer have usually been rather slow to materialize.
Again, it could start simple - with english only.
How hard can it be to record numbers between 0 to 150 and just connect score change into playing the proper numbers?
I'm not too familar with voice coding, but this level of code sounds kind of easy.
This feature can be enhanced when the time will come, but this will be something cool to have just by its own.