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pf and c in motion?

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From: Sharooz

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202919.14 in reply to 202919.13
Date: 11/21/2011 7:20:43 AM
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If you want more I can dig up some from my games in div 2 and some others from 1st div...

From: Sharooz

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202919.16 in reply to 202919.15
Date: 11/21/2011 7:57:22 AM
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When was it changed btw?
Yeah ok so what I did with my team in that season was to have a good C, PF and SG plus a SF who was 55% outside and 45% inside offensively.

My Princeton was not at all perfect, low passing was a big weakness for it as well as lacking JR for my PG
So I basically had the SF, PF and C for LI and LP. (not an ideal inside team though)

So what I did was mostly having a SG who took a lot of 3s, a SF who could do 3s and a PF with some decent JS/DR so he could take top of the key shots plus drive some.
My center and PF only had respectable passing, though I do think this makes a big difference from the atrocious Cs, it can still be done better.
My SG would mostly be on top of the scoring list unless my SF went on a 2p frenzy.
Compared to playing motion I have more 2pts in princeton, which fit me quite fine with my PG who can't shoot 3s all that well.
So I think it is a much better option for inside teams to play princeton over motion (asuming you need to play outside for some reason).

Last edited by Sharooz at 11/21/2011 8:19:09 AM

This Post:
202919.17 in reply to 202919.16
Date: 11/21/2011 8:03:39 AM
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Second Team:
Reuben Jones 2.0
thanks guys for the discussion on princeton offense. what will a real life example be? like what nba is close to that offense?

btw. back to my topic. what would pf and c plays role in a motion offense and what tactics most benefit having good JS for all starters?

This Post:
202919.18 in reply to 202919.17
Date: 11/21/2011 8:35:43 AM
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A lot of teams run some plays of princeton, the most succesful example were the New Jersey Netsled by Jason Kidd and Richard Jefferson. Coached by Byron Scott, a fan of this offense.
Eddie Jordan run Princeton when he was with the Wizards.

Although, I must recall, that the NBA teams try to run when they can, something that is not common when used in BB. It's more slow than in real life basket, if you ask me.-

From: Koperboy

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202919.19 in reply to 202919.11
Date: 11/21/2011 9:36:53 AM
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But Ibarix, in your example you are playing against an if a top NBA team played against Cedevita, if I use an example from Croatia (Smodiš FTW!). You should instead show us Princeton against an equal team...something like this:

From: Sharooz

This Post:
202919.20 in reply to 202919.15
Date: 11/21/2011 9:58:35 AM
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Sorry for going OT again, you can check my finals games in season 16, playing an outside focused guy who runs motion m2m.
I win with Princeton and 3-2, in those games I have a weaker SG and a weaker PF with only 13k sallery, though he has 13 experience.

On topic with the big guys in motion.
In my experience they do sometimes, though rarely take some downtown shots.
Mostly for me they seem to go for ORs and go right back up and do a few jumpers from mid range.
As for JS it helps all offenses as it generally boost all shots, though I guess you can argue that it benefits an offense like R&G more due to more shots taken, but imo you can't solely base your offense on JS levels.

Last edited by Sharooz at 11/21/2011 9:59:33 AM

From: B.B.King

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202919.21 in reply to 202919.11
Date: 11/21/2011 4:51:29 PM
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This is my last game with Princeton.

I think +59 points difference is too less, we need example of match against weaker team crushed at least by 100 points to understand more about princeton ;-)
Every match, where difference between two teams is so big, is worthless to analyze and create conclusions.
Example and all conclusions ignored (and it's the best thing we can do with this match).

From: ibarix

This Post:
202919.22 in reply to 202919.21
Date: 11/21/2011 5:33:39 PM
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On the contrary. You can learn from every situation in life. :)
BTW I think I would shoot 22 threes even against better opposition :))

This Post:
202919.23 in reply to 202919.18
Date: 11/21/2011 5:50:11 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Reuben Jones 2.0
so you talking about the nets from 01-03

jason kidd
richard jefferson
kenyon matrin
van horn?

wouldnt that team be more like....push the ball team?

From: Flamen

This Post:
202919.24 in reply to 202919.17
Date: 11/21/2011 6:01:49 PM
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The only NBA team that has played princeton to some degree is Rick adleman's sacramento kings.

Last edited by Flamen at 11/21/2011 6:02:53 PM
