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Guards with high JS, low JR

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220630.14 in reply to 220630.11
Date: 6/23/2012 1:59:31 PM
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I have guards with 10/6, 11/11, and 11/7.

24.7 MPG
7.8 PPG
.326 FG%, .219 3PT%

33.2 MPG
11.3 PPG
.367 FG%, .214 3FG%

23.8 MPG
10.8 PPG
.390 FG%, .355 3FG%

Strangely enough, the 11/7 guard does the best. I usually run Low Post, while sometimes using Motion.

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220630.18 in reply to 220630.11
Date: 6/23/2012 6:58:42 PM
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All my players are shooting a horrible three point percentage this season below 26% except one player who has a seven point gap between his JS and JR. The numbers are a little low this season and the defence is ferocious in the ABBL so maybe the stats are a bit messed up but here they are. (A little cryptic so I don't reveal too much to my opponents.)

Season 19
Sorted by JR Highest JR first
Who JS/JR GAP Number taken 3PT%
Cardil 3 33 .152
Duricko 2 19 .158
Sperbert 7 20 .333
Tammela 4 20 .250
Melmeth 3 12 .250
Kumar 5 18 .167

I know the numbers are small but they ar what they are. Cardil has my top JR and only a gap of three between JS and JR and has the worst 3PT%. Duricko has the second best JR on the team and the smallest gap between JS and JR and has the second worst %. Sperbert has the biggest gap between his JS and JR a mega seven points yet is hitting by far the best 3PT%. Tamella has the exact same JS as Duricko but 2 points less JR yet has a much better 3PT%. One big factor is as stated is the position played. The first two mostly play SG and the second two mostly play SF.

The more I look the more confusing it gets.

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220630.20 in reply to 220630.11
Date: 6/23/2012 7:42:36 PM
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When I'm buying outside players, the JS-JR gap is my main criterion next to OD. I never buy players with JS = JR, or JS < JR. JR is boosting the salary and in no case is needed to be above 17.

However, my players' stats show:
1. 15-12
22.7 mpg, 13.5 pts, FG% 0.44, 3p% 0.45

2. 16-13
26.6, 17.2, 0.48, 0.28 (probably because of subskills, which make the difference >3)

3. 14-11
23.5, 12.7, 0.48, 0.33

4. 13-10
22.1, 10.2, 0.45, 0.31

5. 12-10
25.8, 14.1, 0.46, 0.34

These are pretty good numbers, 0.49 and 0.34 on the team level (all players included).

From: LaCross

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220630.23 in reply to 220630.22
Date: 6/24/2012 6:43:45 AM
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Regarding JR>JS, I have to summon this guy's name. His JR was 18, only boosted his salary, made him the most useless player ever. His JS is several levels lower. OD 18, good defender, but terrible presence. No wonder he was sacked.

I like your idea, just for the sake of experiment. The numbers won't go much higher but salary will, that's my opinion.

PS. Let's say my nation is more competitive. Two seasons in a row I'm in best 32 of cup tournament (six rounds completed), which is around the number of total users in Japan/Nippon. No B3 and no connections with the NT needed. I don't find myself a very good manager.

I hope you'll inform us if you get any interesting results from that experiment.
