A place to whine about stuff bothering you!
I start right away:
I wasted several hours searching for a new assistent coach..... all are (getting) so fraking expensive.
How am i supposed to aquire 5 half decent starters + 3 trainees and a decent trainer along with an arena upgrade with this little amount of cash available if everybody bids like hell on everything that moves on the market. :`(
STAHP! and met me have my cheap coach O:)
After several hours I was so p***ed that I picked a coach and punched him in his face. :@ The result: lv 3 with 9k salary for 3k aquired. And in school they always said "Violence is no solution"... true amateurs :D
After two days i got a lev 3 coach with 8k salary bought for 13k and 4 players decent for 5k
This is a big recruitment market lol
Now i want bought one more trainee, but for the moment the players i'm looking for my team are very expensive (minimum 130k for a potential all-star(6))