Here is a break down of my thinking of contracts that can be signed:
Basic Contracts
1). Make playoffs with a record above . Low contract amount $55K. Fail to do this while signing the contract leads to small penalty.
2). Have the best record in your league-medium contract amount $60k. Fail to do this while signing the contract leads to a small penalty the following year as well as hurt fan survey for first quarter of the next season.
3.) Win the championship- High end contract amount. Fail to do this while picking this contract leads to a more severe penalty leading to lower contract offers the following season as well as a penalty to crowd survey for guarantee to win championship.
Special contracts
Win the National Tournament- This can be a slightly higher contract amount based on division you are in. If you fail to get very far you will be penalized the following season, however not as much if you go deep in the tournament.
Have two players make the allstar team-medium based contract depending on division you are in. This will also lead to better fan survey and merchandise. However, failing to do this will lead to disgruntled fans the following season as well as lower contract offers
Have a NT player on your roster the whole season-This will be like having a Lebron James or someone on your roster. You will have a higher tv contract. Failing to have the player make the NT at some point during the season will lead to a slight decrease in tv money the following season.
All of these ideas are meant to bring strategy into the game as well as be a risk/reward situation. It is not meant to be free money. So you will have to choose wisely and it will also create a more competitive community because you will want to win to make more money. Failing these leads to less money which will decrease intentional tanking as well. I think we could even go as far as making tanking teams see a severe penalty with tv contract.
In the end I do not think everyone should have the same tv contract because, just like the NBA, all teams perform differently.