Hi Zeus, since you're the only candidate at the moment, can you maybe share your ideas about designing the roster for inside-outside only? Do you think we can afford not to do it and perform better in the mid-long term?
I mentioned it before and frankly I consider this approach as the go-to strategy.
Are there alternatives, given we're not among the top squads?
Personally I enjoy training and designing players for particular strategies more than anything in the game, hence my point.
Any other candidate or manager, welcome to contribute.
Edit. To elaborate a bit more, just an example. If there're a couple of key perimeter players able to look 19-17-19-19-19-14, why not to suggest key centers to look 16-20-19 as a consequence, instead of 20-17-15. Or the opposite. I'm making it up as I have no data regarding the coming generations in England, although a quick look at excel documents would make it easy to choose where to row.
Edit 2. I do believe sticking to something like this is much more important for the candidate than guessing right the opponent, at least in the short term.
Last edited by m4nufactured at 6/24/2017 7:28:58 AM