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From: 3ball20

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290881.14 in reply to 290881.12
Date: 12/4/2017 9:40:32 PM
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Does it make more sense to work on inside skills first? I had someone else tell me that. He needs more ID and IS.

From: geyco

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290881.15 in reply to 290881.14
Date: 12/5/2017 8:23:52 AM
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It's dfficult to know because every NTs coach want differents things for them teams.

And i don't know the skills of your players but i think that you want train them to play SF?

The training SF is difficult because you have to train everything and you don't have enought aspiration.

Secondly, you have to take care about height because train inside skills with a player around 185cm will be more difficult.

Usually is better to begin by inside because a young player progresses faster but there is no universal answer ;)

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290881.16 in reply to 290881.14
Date: 12/9/2017 12:38:54 PM
Stavanger Titans
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Second Team:
The Vikings
There is not THE answer. But, there are some lines you can follow.
1. There is a difference between U21 and normal NT. U21 is more about main skills (big men train big men skills first and opposite), whereas NT trains the oppodite direction (e.g. Big men should train guard skills first, because it takes longer to train them for big men).

2. Make a plan how he should look like at the end and than direct the training after the plan.

3. If you have question, ask me

I don't know what you bought. But under 1) you can find my answer

Hell Ya - We are coming from the North to conquer your arena ...
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290881.17 in reply to 290881.16
Date: 2/5/2020 11:27:38 AM
BC ScorpiQns
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Devil is a looser and he is my bitch!