I don't know if I am the only one affected. But it is so easy to fix ...
Imagine that you are a school student (if you are not a real one) and you ask your teacher: when is the exam? He can tell you "It is on April the seventeenth, at 6 pm"
Then you think ok, tonight I will see when is April the 17th ... but it was today!
I mean, it is not natural English (or any other language) to say the complete date when it is today. The teacher will say the exam is at 6pm, or the exam is today at 6 pm. Why wouldn't BB do the same?
And the best of it all, it is so easy to solve that the current BBs could do it soon, and then they can say to the community "we have solved something, completely!" ... instead of just talking and saying that they are closer to the solution for this or that ... that would be motivating for the new BBs and the community would grow in confidence.
So, I this is why I think this should be the absolute priority right now.