I second your opinion. Since the changes where 19yo's started having skills of 8, we've only seen a single player with 78+ tsp being drafted. I can only recall that he was canadian and subMVP potential. So I really don't understand the commotion here.
And it's crazy to me that we've been taking an example of a player with all skills being 9.999. Of course he's going to be better than the 18yolds. Player with all 8.999 is also going to be better than 18yolds in the long run. But come on? What are the odds of that happening?
100% there are different weights to roll certain skills, or they have different floor/ceilings according to draftee statlines. It's protected from being overpowered.
(49554111). Here's an abnormality. Most of the time we don't see such quality 19y olds, and lets make his 8's to 9's.
Now we have him and a 18yo that hit the same lottery with the 7's and that's been trained with a 6/6 1x1 for a whole season(+16tsp):
9/9 9/7
9/9 7/12
5/9 12/7
6/5 8/5
6/5 6/5
with the TSP of 72 vs 78. And guess what? In general,
they're the exact same thing time-wise.
Which was the whole purpose of this change. To simply balance out stuff.
Last edited by Kritulys at 8/30/2021 3:31:43 AM