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Season 53

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308862.140 in reply to 308862.130
Date: 5/20/2021 4:00:49 PM
Basket Mizu Arlon
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Ok ok, all the pressure on me, I have understood
It seems you still manage it pretty well Joe ;)

But even if I agree my team is probably stronger than SGOLBA
Well, since you're the one who said it, i guess we can call you the favourite now?

From: C3C

This Post:
308862.143 in reply to 308862.141
Date: 5/21/2021 6:49:20 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
It seems I have the perfect team to play against Tienen, Roel has no solution against me as guiguits had no solution against him. It will be very different against C3C who could have the perfect team to play against mine. I will explain that after the game.

By the way I have the advantage to know 4 C3C's players. So if he wants I can send him the skills of 4 of my players

Now we have to wait for the training update. Guillaume has played 95 minutes unfortunately but it's ok for all my other players. On C3C side a lot of them are around 80 minutes what could be perfect with some luck. Let's see what happens.

Seems like we both didn't got a perfect GS update so at least we are equal about that ;)
I think I know what you mean by saying I could have the perfect team to play against you, but I'm sure you'll find a way to get around that.

It's true, being NT manager can give you an advantage sometimes by knowing the skills of all best Belgian players. I appreciate you're willing to share the skills of some of your players with me too, but you don't have to do that. I'd rather try to guess them myself

This Post:
308862.145 in reply to 308862.141
Date: 5/21/2021 8:00:30 AM
BC Tienen
Overall Posts Rated:
Congratulations with your win Joe. It indeed seems that your team counters mine perfectly. My offense was just terrible (23,1% shotpercentage !?), although the 7 in GS for Obilic didn't help in that respect.

The final will surely be an interesting game. Good luck to you both!

From: C3C

This Post:
308862.147 in reply to 308862.146
Date: 5/21/2021 9:20:47 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
I'm already excited that I even reached the finals, but yes I think I have more chance to win against you than to win against BC Tienen. I always have difficulties to play against Roel. Last years championship final is the proof of it ;)

From: ppmmp

This Post:
308862.150 in reply to 308862.149
Date: 5/26/2021 3:32:51 AM
Obira Dragons
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Obira Dragons II
We better try again in the second division to become a real champion. The financial punishment we have to undergo this season is too big. By the way, I think we will carry that along for a long time to come. The loss is really huge.
Building back a new team is the motto.
We'll be back in BBBL (Obira keeps coming back)

And as for SPIROU ... Congratulations for the tactical victory. I never thought you were trying to win this match. Hopefully it is not personal, but it is true that you always sell a top player after the match against Obira ....

A number of teams can sleep soundly from now on. Obira is looking for cash.(and one victory)
