I got him
(52592088)! The next SF in the making. And he didn't even miss the first week of training as I asked his former manager to give him 1on1/forwards. And he didn't even cost me more than a million, so I guess it's a good deal for me ;)
Now I've got 3 HoFers in training, a couple of seasons apart. Should work out nicely, I hope. And I expect to see them all play together on the NT. Right, Perpete? ;) And of course, I don't mean to bully you too, statsman. But he deserves to play on the U21 right away, am I not right? ;)
Just very grateful that the transfer worked out and I've got a project for the next 2-4 years in RL ;)
Have a great evening and a great week-end, everybody! ;)
Du hast nicht genug Geld, um dieses Gebot abzugeben!