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Stop robbing managers

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53381.146 in reply to 53381.145
Date: 11/24/2008 10:33:50 AM
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As I said in my post above, in my opinion this is a long term strategy game.

please keep it that way

This Post:
53381.147 in reply to 53381.146
Date: 11/25/2008 1:38:31 AM
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Well, I'm also one ofe the managers, who do not really like the new system.

First off, it forces me to be online, when a possible new staff member is up and available for bidding, then I have to spend quite some time to get him. I personally like to spend my time better, but if I do, this will be quite costly (turnover of staff increases, because I start out with higher wages).

Second, the system is for me way more expensive, than the old one. Either I spend a lot of money up front, to get a guy, whose salary does not start out at an exorbitant level. Or I get someone with a lower sign-on bonus, but with a high paycheck, that will fast become unbearable.

If I do not want to pay more than with the old system, and only want to change my PR guy once a season, I will have to start out with a salary of about 19000 (will be around 25500 after 16 weeks). Averages out to about 22000 a week, which is (if memory servers correctly) the amount that my Level 5 guy earned before the switch to the new system. And that is not taking into account, the sign-on bonus and the higher severance pay.

Well, try to get one of these 36 guys with a sign-on bonus of under 10000, I think you will be lucky. So, please increase the number of reasonably priced staff.

Last edited by zimiwings at 11/25/2008 1:38:47 AM

This Post:
53381.148 in reply to 53381.147
Date: 11/25/2008 6:22:46 AM
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I agree with bidding, I also hate bidding and bidding again. I think that could be great to have something like ebay system for a staff transfers (not for players - there I would like to see 5 minutes waiting if rebid:D)

The point is that this system have to suck money from top teams. Thanks to this will have these in lower divisions any chance to get you (or me) soon if your management will not be brilliant. This is a good point.

Imagine that if you want to train players, you need now in highest leaguest only best in your league. To make such a thing you can do 1 phase training, that means high costs for great coach, high costs for his wage and high costs for the player above sensational level...

..these things are for the lower teams unnecessary, so they doesn't have to spend so much money and can get (example) II. division soon anyway. On the other side - if you want a most effective training, you have to use your crap draftees or buy anyone for a millions to have any opportunity to have most effective training, you cannot use now trained players from lower divisions (for the training) thanks to this, that means highest divisions have to think about next steps extremely...

Last edited by Iordanou at 11/25/2008 7:25:06 AM

From: buliwyf
This Post:
53381.149 in reply to 53381.148
Date: 11/25/2008 12:36:20 PM
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I have to say i like the new system!

You have predictable future salaries and can therefore roughly calculate the price you should bit to get a new coach. And if you are pleased with a level 4 ataff member you can get them pretty cheap...

From: Sparkle

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53381.150 in reply to 53381.149
Date: 11/26/2008 10:30:13 AM
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I say the new system can be improved. A one time transfer fee that does not go back into the market, unlike a player transfer where it goes to the selling team, is just economic leakage. Unless of course is what the BBs intended all along.

How about getting managers to bid on staff salaries instead? 19k? 22k? 25k?
Much like RL, you decide how much you want to pay him and he'll accept the highest offer.

This Post:
53381.152 in reply to 53381.151
Date: 11/27/2008 4:34:07 AM
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You cannot save money for 10 seasons with the weekly increment in place. I only suggested removing the one time transfer bid with a salary based bidding system, not the weekly increments which ensures staff turnaround.

This Post:
53381.153 in reply to 53381.152
Date: 11/27/2008 7:21:33 AM
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So how would you make managers to change an staff by the time?

This Post:
53381.154 in reply to 53381.153
Date: 11/27/2008 9:56:01 AM
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You make managers change staff by using the current system where the wages increase weekly.

What changes in the system I propose is the staff's starting salary is dependent on the salary you offered him. So managers don't have to part with a lump of transfer funds which doesn't go back into the market but instead just payoff the severance fee and start paying the new guy his salary.

It also brings a sense of realism to the game where employers offer you better paychecks to change jobs, not a huge lump of cash.

Here's a bonus : Once you hire a staff, he remains yours for two seasons. After two seasons, other teams can offer him a bigger paycheck to prise him away from you. Makes those with really rare specialties be much sought after. It's very much a rough idea, not a complete product.

Last edited by Sparkle at 11/27/2008 10:01:57 AM

This Post:
53381.155 in reply to 53381.154
Date: 11/27/2008 10:02:28 AM
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I understand the system you are proposing, however meanwhile I will have an luck and get a coach lvl 6 with wage 25k, and this wage will be permanently 25k, I have no motivation to change him by the time... you have any solution for that?

This Post:
53381.156 in reply to 53381.155
Date: 11/27/2008 10:06:39 AM
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Perhaps I worded my previous post a bit too blurry.

Wages are not permanent. Like the current system, it increases every week. So this week you pay 25k, next week you pay 25.5k and so on.
