I agree with bidding, I also hate bidding and bidding again. I think that could be great to have something like ebay system for a staff transfers (not for players - there I would like to see 5 minutes waiting if rebid:D)
The point is that this system have to suck money from top teams. Thanks to this will have these in lower divisions any chance to get you (or me) soon if your management will not be brilliant. This is a good point.
Imagine that if you want to train players, you need now in highest leaguest only best in your league. To make such a thing you can do 1 phase training, that means high costs for great coach, high costs for his wage and high costs for the player above sensational level...
..these things are for the lower teams unnecessary, so they doesn't have to spend so much money and can get (example) II. division soon anyway. On the other side - if you want a most effective training, you have to use your crap draftees or buy anyone for a millions to have any opportunity to have most effective training, you cannot use now trained players from lower divisions (for the training) thanks to this, that means highest divisions have to think about next steps extremely...
Last edited by Iordanou at 11/25/2008 7:25:06 AM