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Suggestions > Women's BuzzerBeater

Women's BuzzerBeater

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167976.15 in reply to 167976.14
Date: 1/4/2011 6:19:24 AM
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It seems once in so many time this is brought up, in all kinds of variants from female players over female staff to cheerleaders.

In part due to this I founded a federation way back when federations where implemented, and to start it wasn't realy successfull, and it died down prety quickly.

I don't think we will ever see female players. I'm not sure about female staff, but then some volunteer will have to create the graphics for the faces for BB, at no expense.

I know Mark was interested in a cheerleadersystem though, and he gave our federation the opportunity to develop a system.
No propositions where send in though. I worked on something myself, and after a while decided I was making it way to complex (it would be a game on it's own with more variation and possibilites and probably much harder to get it right then BB itself) so I stopped developping it.

I thnik Revo's extimation of 20 to 30% female users in this game is to high thuogh. If we make 10% it would amaze me. I'd gamble there will be somewhere between 2% and 5%...

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167976.16 in reply to 167976.8
Date: 1/4/2011 9:34:04 AM
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1) say we do your idea, and have a men and womens team. can the servers handle all the info?

2) how will you do economy? split economy? in that case, might as well have 2 different games. Buzzerbeater for men and buzzerbeater for women, run on different servers... Shared ecomony? then you'll see some teams using the money from the other team to boost one of the teams. and what about those who don't want to manage a second team if you'd have a shared ecomony? one team will be dragging down the economy, which isn't go great either... so you'd force those managers to take a second team.

3) the ammount of games. we currently have 3 (4 games if you are a supporter, and 5 games if you are a supporter and if you like following your NT's games) games a week. adding the womens games to it, that will mean you'll have one or more games a day on average. i like BB, but for alot of people that would be an overload (i'm not sure if i'd like more than 5 games a week)...


1) Well, for the server portion I don't think I have the technical expertise. But maybe the expense to get another server can be covered by offering women's BB only for supporter. At least for me, I would be interested to pay for supporter if I can actually start off on a clean slate on the same ground as other teams

2) I would prefer split economy. Else it will be prone to exploitation.

3) Well, you do point out a very good point on the amount of games to manage on one account alone. But it is not compulsary for everyone to have another team in women's BB league. If managing more than 4 games is not suitable for some people, then most probably they need to choose one. Either men's or women's BB.

I feel the idea will not only appeal to the fairer gender but also to others who got to know BB only recently but are wondering if they are able to compete with the BB veterans if starting on equal footing.

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167976.17 in reply to 167976.16
Date: 1/4/2011 10:35:30 AM
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i'm not going to deny that it is very hard to catch up with the BB veterans, as you pointed out. however, the problem you speak of will arrise again in 6 to 8 seasons, since by then the womens BB will have their own veterans, not to mention that the BB veterans know how to train their players, and thus, they'll most likely be at the top of the game again.

Also, a few other contradicting things:

as for the ecomony, if you are going to have split economies, it would be like having 2 different teams. they'll then need different staff aswell, and so on...

So basically, if you'd add a womens BB, it would be the same as if you'd have a second account on the game. cause econmy is split, staff will be split ( can't pay staff with mens economy if you split economy), players split etc...

basically, you would need a second BB game in it's whole. Like i said before, ir eally do like the idea you have. but at this current time, i really don't see how on earth you could fit it into this current BB game

what might be an alternative is this:

have a supporters feature, that would allow you to show all the men to women, but keep the same stats. all that would be required to change then would be the picture of your player, and their names. i'm not sure how much work it would take, but i think that it should be relatively easy to implement an extra name (girl name) to each current existing player. Thus, you'll be able to see them as womens on your team, and when you look at the other team, you'll see the other teams players as women already.

the only annoying thing then, would be if you sell a player, you'd be selling it to someone else, and for U21/NT teams, they'd have a hard time scouting, cause if they mail around for the mens name, and you have your settings so that it would show having a womens team, then you'll be giving the U21/NT teams rather unpleasant extra work load... (and communicating about players wouldn't just be a U21/NT thing. sometimes players mail eachother to hear prices for a possible transfer etc... --'remember, if you get reported as spammer, then you could be in for some trouble on that ;) i don't advise doing so, but some chose to do it -- so those too will have a harder time...

each suggestion has it's up and down sides.

now, the idea about a clean sheet, i'd suggest you discuss that in another topic, cause this one is about the womens BB ;)

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167976.18 in reply to 167976.17
Date: 1/4/2011 10:50:20 AM
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Actually it is not contradictory, I am basically proposing 2 different teams. Meaning different staff, different players and different leagues.

And as I already mentioned it most likely will indeed need a separate server so it will be a second BB game.
Probably the only link between the two games can only be the forums and help discussions.

But I guess ultimately it is an interesting idea but one which is not easy to implement (probably when I strike the lottery- which is never)

But I don't think the alternative of mixing female and male players within the same team will be good. As the real game does not have mixed gender within the same team.

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167976.19 in reply to 167976.18
Date: 1/6/2011 1:54:01 AM
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Realistically, if the BB wanted to give everybody a 2nd team...wouldn't it just be easier to have BuzzerBeater2 and have the same artwork and male players?

Is anyone really that interested in having female players or just a second team??

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