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Training 47 Minutes x 2

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205689.15 in reply to 205689.14
Date: 1/2/2012 8:25:01 PM
Headless Thompson Gunners
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Canada Purple Haze BC
Science Dictionary

exponential (ěk'spə-něn'shəl) Pronunciation Key
Relating to a mathematical expression containing one or more exponents. ◇ Something is said to increase or decrease exponentially if its rate of change must be expressed using exponents. A graph of such a rate would appear not as a straight line, but as a curve that continually becomes steeper or shallower.

So I'm guessing that the loss of training minutes will multiply
with each missed minute.
Thus 47 not so bad
46 worse by a multiple and so on and so on...
So that 44 minutes is plenty worse than 47

Can someone please tell me I'm ok or way off base on this

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205689.17 in reply to 205689.16
Date: 1/3/2012 5:36:00 AM
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You are right.So u should train if u have 45+ mins ....

From: Jay_m

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205689.19 in reply to 205689.9
Date: 1/3/2012 11:50:30 AM
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All that it means is that the training return rises much faster close to 48 minutes so that 47 minutes may be 90% of 48 minutes, 46 minutes may be 80%. If you have a spreadsheet, you can model it easily enough. Just use exp(x). It's just the rate of dropoff that's not really known. There are most definitely values associated with every point.

From: DontCry-

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205689.20 in reply to 205689.18
Date: 1/3/2012 6:49:24 PM
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you are right but everyone should train 47 mins :)

This Post:
205689.22 in reply to 205689.21
Date: 1/4/2012 11:21:34 AM
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is 48 minutes equal to +48 minutes? Because sometimes my player quits the game at last atack, 30 seconds before the finish of game. I think he doesn't want to wait at line for showers.

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205689.23 in reply to 205689.22
Date: 1/4/2012 11:57:52 AM
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he just wants the appreciation from the crowd:D

This Post:
205689.24 in reply to 205689.22
Date: 1/4/2012 12:33:01 PM
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is 48 minutes equal to +48 minutes? Because sometimes my player quits the game at last atack, 30 seconds before the finish of game. I think he doesn't want to wait at line for showers.

Nope. He needs a + to get full training.

This Post:
205689.25 in reply to 205689.24
Date: 1/5/2012 9:01:25 AM
Brigada Diverse
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From my experience training more than 40+ min a week will still be good addition to his current skills.
I've always seen people saying that 45,46... min are not enough but as i've seen in the past any training will count for something.
An exemple from this season:
1 player that played from 35-42 min a week on the training position (he was the 3rd player on single position), aged 26 with MVP potential, the training was passing he got in 7 weeks of training 2 pops in passing 4 weeks between them and 1 pop in handling and 1 in driving.
So let's way we don't count driving and handling, but in passing 7 weeks of uncomplete training and 26 years for 2 pops seams reasonable.
Maybe if he could get 45-48 min he would of probably got a third pop but not certain because of his age, the pops where from respectable to strong to proficient.
So maybe you 95% of training but still good enough in my book.

As for 48+ means that he has anything more than 48:01 min played and 48 min means he has no more than 47:59 min played but i think this is common knowledge.
