well well well there is always two sides to a fable...
1) Season 14... true there was luck, but I put my team in the best possible position to pull off an unlikely series win. I came in the finals with better enthusiasm, better gameshape and some might say better tactics. Meteors might have stuffed up but maybe it was because he was nervous about playing me and that caused him to make a few mistakes that he wouldnt have normally made.
2) Season 15... thats not luck, thats adapting to the new environment and making it work for you. Everyone else knew there were going to be bots that season, they could've planned accordingly to take advantage of the situation too. Not my fault they sold themselves short and lost a relegation series they should've won convincingly.
3) Season 16... again everyone was aware of the bots during the season and they couldve planned for it. They didnt, I did and I came 5th. And whitebeard did not throw the last game of the season... hahah so so exaggerated!!
(33057878) "Koopasaurus looked like the only team trying out there." Even if whitebeard played normal or CT, he wouldve lost to me anyways cos of pure "luck" =P Are you trying to open a can of worms here by saying me and whitebeard conspired to get me that 5th spot? kekeke
To keep it concise. its not a case of luck, its just called being smart... if you are being chased in the woods by a hungry bear, you only have to run faster then the slowest guy to escape. That is exactly what I have done in each and every season.