A star potential player can be a solid starter for a low division team or a good player to come of the bench for pretty much any team. You can mold him so that he fits your special needs in your team.
But i would not have one as my main trainee. A great way for lower division teams to get cheap trainees though.
It's just not worth trianing a Star potential player if you have any desire to go anywhere in this game. I made the mistake of training low potential guys early in my BB career...and then I said "okay, nothing below Perennial Allstar going forward" and now I am saying nothing below MVP going forward. I just capped out out a Perennial Allstar player, and really wish I could keep training him for a while.
At least with Perennial Allstar you can take him up the 70K range, so he can be something solid and something you can sell and get some good money for. I really think it's giving the wrong message to inexperienced BBers that training a Star potential player is a good idea...For an experienced player, there might a specific circumstance where like you said, you can train a guy for a short time to mold him for a specific need on your team..
but in general, training lower level potential players is a waste of time and money.
Last edited by Jason at 4/21/2012 1:35:35 PM