opponents roster
runs a motion offense with M2M defense.
Navarro, Kocanda, and Elbufer played 48 minutes both league games.
Galili plays at PF
Navarro PG
ELbufer SG
Kocanda C
Genovese 30ish mins SF
Anjos and Nottoli only guys who've come off bench.
he's done normal both games. I expect him to play same guys in cup, which would mess up gameshape comparatively to my team.
I played 1 normal, 1 TIE, will TIE my cup. (i predict him to normal cup).
When I play him in that 1st game after cup at HIS arena... running a lineup of Jung, Dajun, Marquez, Tomilin, and Bozek. Play a 3-2 and a base offense. If i CT'd would I win. If the odds are worse than 50/50. I'm just going to TIE it and not worry till I get him on my home court.