in continuarea acestui thread de acum 10 ani continui cu intrebarile pt ca s-au mai schimbat lucruri in joc.
a investit careva dintre voi in facilitatea "tv station"
daca da, fie scrieti aici fie pe forumul de help, fie am sa transmit datele voastre pe forumul de help
(299055.1)pentru a compara fluctuatia de acum pe sezonul urmator.
eu am bagat bani in tv station level 2.
se pare ca din ce am descoperit la nivel de div I suntem limitati, soft cap, la 4000 de season ticket holders.
eu am 4042. regret ca nu m-am interesat cat ama avut in anul in care am castigat titlul. sunt curios care va fi impactul acestui tv station. potrivit game manual:
4. TV&Radio Station - there's no better way to build up the hype for the upcoming match than through the media! Having TV and radio shows promoting the team achievements, past and present, will result in fans buying more merchandise, tolerate losses more easily and celebrate wins longer. But keep in mind, there are limits to how high the fan spirit can rise. Additionally, season ticket sales will also have a nice boost, especially with higher levels.